Bracelet "Grillage"

It seems that the time has passed when beaded baubles were in fashion. But such products always have a special character and fascinate with the complexity of their weaving. In this master class we will weave a simple but original bracelet from large beads and a dozen beads. We will need beads of two shades: dark brown large and light brown medium. Let's select beads of the appropriate brown shade with a diameter of 0.7-1 cm. To weave a bracelet, take a fishing line whose thickness is 0.25 mm.

beads of two shades

The length of the fishing line for weaving should be 2.5 m. It seems that this is a lot and will not be very convenient at first, but the fishing line is woven quickly and will be shortened.
The bracelet will consist of balls woven from large brown beads. It is from the ball that we begin weaving. We collect three large beads on one end of the fishing line and place them in the center of the fishing line. We collect another bead and thread the second end of the fishing line through it. We tighten the bead loop, thus forming a “cross”.

We collect another bead

We continue to weave, stringing one bead on each end. We string the third bead onto either end of the fishing line, thread the second end and tighten again.

We continue to weave

We repeat the weaving 2 more times, only for the last 4th time the third bead will serve as the end of the chain. Having collected a bead at each end of the fishing line, we thread the ends through the outermost bead and tighten.

Repeat weaving

It turns out like this ball of 4 “crosses”.

It turns out like this ball

Now you need to secure the ball so that it does not unravel and becomes stronger. To do this, you need to weave each end in turn into the sides of the ball in a circle where there is no fishing line.

it is necessary to secure the ball

We weave in the second end.

We weave the second end

As a result, both ends need to be brought out in different directions from one bead of the top row.

move in different directions

Light brown medium beads are needed to braid a bead with them. We string two beads onto each end of the fishing line.

medium beads

We pass both ends through the bead and again string two beads on each end of the fishing line.

We thread both ends

Now we begin to weave the ball again. We secure light beads with dark brown beads. Perhaps the line will unravel a little. You need to constantly tighten the line and when the next ball is ready, the weaving will be strong.

weave the ball again

We weave a chain of four “crosses” according to a pattern already known to us. We form a ball by tightening the ends of the fishing line into the first outer bead. We tighten the ball, weaving its sides. We draw the ends in one upper bead in the center of the ball.

Braid the chain

string light beads

After this, we string light beads, a bead and again light beads, and secure it all with a ball. Then the weaving pattern is constantly repeated and the actions alternate.
The bracelet contains 10 beaded balls and 10 beads. Try the bracelet on your hand. Perhaps a different length will suit you. At the end of weaving, you need to tighten both ends of the bracelet. There should be a ball at the beginning of the bracelet, and a bead with light brown beads at the end.

thread the ends of the fishing line

Only now we thread the ends of the fishing line through one of the outermost beads of the ball.

tie a knot

We tighten it tightly and tie a knot from the fishing line several times. We cut off the ends.

decoration on our wrist

The bracelet is ready to become a wonderful decoration on our wrist.

Bracelet Grillage

The bracelet can be freely put on your hand, since the fishing line stretches a little and allows you to do this.

Bracelet Grillage
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