Earrings made from plastic bottles

Earrings made from plastic bottles

An interesting solution for partial recycling of plastic bottles is to make... earrings out of them. Such jewelry looks no worse than ordinary plastic jewelry, and if everything is done carefully, then perhaps even better.

We will need:
Earrings – 2 pcs.,
Beads – 2 pcs.,
Plastic bottles of different colors – 2-3 pcs.,

Wash the bottles and remove the caps. Cut off the tapering neck of the bottle, fold it so that the walls touch and cut into strips of the same width.

The width of the strips is arbitrary, but you need to take into account that the thinner the strip, the more “openwork” the earrings will turn out. Each earring requires 2-3 strips. Colored plastic looks best (brown, dark green), but you can also add transparent strips to it.

Connect the cut out parts, fold them into a figure eight (or an infinity sign, as you prefer) and fold them so that the edges are together.

Secure the edges with wire. Hold the plastic by the wire over an open flame, for example, over a gas burner. Do not bring it close to the fire! Just keep it at a distance, the plastic will still start to curl.To ensure uniform melting, the wire with the future earring must be rotated. Compare the workpiece “before” and “after”.

Remove the wire from the resulting blanks and replace it with a thinner, decorative one. Thread a bead onto the wire and attach the end of the wire to the wire. Earrings are usually sold in sets with beads. You can remove them from old earrings or make them yourself from wire.

The result is non-standard earrings, for which you can also make beads. You can cut plastic and roll it in different ways - as you please. For example, you can melt the middle or just the edges. In addition, when hot, plastic blanks are very pliable; they can be shaped at your discretion, twisted into a spiral, straightened into a flower shape, etc.

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Comments (1)
  1. Angelinka
    #1 Angelinka Guests 22 August 2017 23:37
    Cute earrings. I immediately thought that they were made from tubes for droppers, as it used to be in ancient times. And then plastic bottles came into use, how many interesting and useful things have already been invented from them.