Paper napkin rose

Paper napkin rose

Paper napkin rose

can be done in a few minutes. When choosing a material for work, you need to take into account that a finished flower made from a thick and multi-layered napkin will better retain its shape, but curling such paper will be more difficult.

1. Spread the napkin on a flat surface.

2. On the side where the bud will be, fold the edge of the napkin up about 4 cm (photo 2). Position the model so that the fold line is on the left.

3. Fold the upper left corner upwards of the model by 1 cm. This edge of the napkin will then end up in the core of the bud.

4. Hold the top edge of the model with the extended middle and index fingers of your left hand and wrap both fingers with a napkin several times (photo 5) so that the model takes the shape of a scroll. Fix the free edge of the paper with your left thumb.

5. With the palm of your right hand, tightly clasp the model at the tips of the index and middle fingers of your left hand and compact the paper evenly. A rosebud formed on the fingers of his left hand.

6. Now, with the fingers of your right hand, twist the paper several times in the same direction in which you wrapped your fingers with the napkin.

7. Remove the model from the fingers of your left hand and continue twisting the paper to the middle of the stem length.

8. With your left hand, firmly fix the stem at the border of twisting. Using the fingers of your right hand, carefully bend the outer corner of the napkin from bottom to top, give it the shape of a leaf and press the base of the leaf well against the stem.

9. Continue twisting the stem until the end of the paper roll.

10. Carefully, in the direction from the periphery to the center of the bud, turn the upper edge of the petals outward a few millimeters.

11. The edge of the outer petal can be hidden under the fold of the previous turn of the spiral.

12. Gently straighten the bud from the inside with your fingers, giving the flower a spiral shape.

You can decorate your holiday table with ready-made roses from napkins, scattering them in a picturesque disorder on the tablecloth or placing them on empty dishes and glasses.

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Comments (1)
  1. Arina
    #1 Arina Guests 27 February 2014 18:12
    Thanks to this site I got 5 roses