Spider made of foil and thread

Not everyone is a fan of spiders, but among them there are some that are so big and beautiful, and not poisonous at all, that they take your breath away. If anyone does not understand what we are talking about, then I will give an example: tarantula spiders, especially males, are large and very beautiful and fluffy. It's exotic. Nature has clearly worked hard on their bright and original colors. But I love them more in photos and on the Internet, remotely, so to speak. And finally, I was presented with an opportunity that I want to use to create my own eight-legged handsome man, and I decided to make him my mascot.
spider made of foil and thread

Here they say this: draw more of what you are afraid of, your fears, and they will stop frightening you. Therefore, it will be a pleasure to make such spiders with children, who will now look at these scary-cute creatures without much fear. And I would like to note that working with foil is suitable even for children. But for the adult generation, you can use wire instead of foil, which is also wrapped with threads. The main thing for us is that the paws bend the way we want. In this case, my dimensions are as follows: the foil strips are 5 cm wide and slightly shorter than the internal threads, which are 20 cm long (4 long legs). Separate part 5 (10 cm.- these are “spider biters” chelicerae), so let’s start with them.
spider made of foil and thread

We tear off or cut off the excess foil. We need to create long pieces with thread tails peeking out from them. We begin by wrapping the threads, and then, slowly changing the foil, we try to scroll between the thumb and forefinger, but do not be zealous, so as not to tear the foil. Here the internal thread is attached to a soft rod, so this is a significant safety net for strength.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

You can start with the shortest part of the “nippers” in Fig. We glue the ends of the threads with super glue, and begin to wrap them more tightly, and at the end we glue the ends of the threads again. And so we continue with all the other future paws. It turns out beautifully when the colors on each fold of the paws are contrasting. In this case, it is not necessary to break the main thread, it is enough to simply pull it and twist it with a different color, while capturing all the tails of the thread.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

Now all the limbs of the spider are ready and you can start connecting them. We wrap the middle tightly enough, but the protruding parts are too protruding. This part of the spider should be smaller than the posterior body.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

Now take a piece of any filler. It is desirable that it be 5 times larger than the middle wrapped on the legs. We select soft and thick threads, and begin to loosely wrap the padding polyester, slowly transforming it into a round piece. Once you feel that everything has turned out evenly, you can now start wrapping it with silk threads. You can connect several of them in different colors. And now you will feel how the round piece begins to grow stronger in your hands and turn into a dense body part. Once it is wrapped, it is advisable to stitch through some places in the middle, this way the winding will be secured and the threads will not move out.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

And finally it’s time to embellish and add some details. First, let's decorate the body with some accessories. Then we’ll decorate the head and add eyes.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

And finally, we sew the body to the head from the bottom side.
spider made of foil and thread

And here we have such a handsome spider, the size of a whole palm. It will certainly be difficult not to notice it in the interior. Try to make one like this, and you will surely be guaranteed delight from your loved ones.
spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread

spider made of foil and thread
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