How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

When leaving home for a long time, it’s a good idea to have a hot or cold drink in sufficient volume that will not cool down or become warm for hours. For this you need a large thermos. You can make it yourself from an ordinary 3 liter glass jar, used for canning homemade preparations.


  • glass jar 3 l;
  • polyethylene cover;
  • scotch;
  • plastic bottle 5-6 l;
  • foil plastic

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

The process of making a thermos from a jar

A dry, clean jar is wrapped in plastic foil or other foamed foil heat-insulating material so that the overlap is 3-5 cm. A supply of material is left on the bottom side. The joint of the heat insulator must be taped.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

The thermal insulation on the bottom side is folded into an envelope and sealed with tape. You should try to make the cover as tight as possible. To do this, tape is glued to the bottom, and then its edges are stretched and glued to the walls. So you need to go around the bottom in a circle.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

From the neck side of the cover, short longitudinal cuts are made. This will allow you to wrap the case with tape close to the jar.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

Next, the neck of the plastic bottle is cut off, and a jar in a case is inserted into it.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

The edge of the bottle should be opposite the neck of the jar.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

Then the bottle is shrinked with a hair dryer turned on to minimum heat. The jet is directed first to the bottom so that it becomes flat and the thermos does not tip over. If the heated plastic does not shrink completely, the hot bottom can be pressed onto any plane and held for a while until it cools down. After this, thinner walls are shrinked. It is important not to keep the hair dryer in one place and move it without stopping. The resulting shell after shrinkage will make the thermos more resistant to shock.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

Next you need to insulate the lid. It is advisable to use a thermal lid for preservation. It has a recess that will allow for better thermal insulation. If the lid is new, then first you need to keep it in boiling water, and then put it on the jar so that it stretches. Next, several circles are cut out of plastic foil to fit the size of the lid. They are glued to it with hot glue.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

After the lid is ready, the thermos can be used for its intended purpose. When storing hot drinks in it, they remain warm for up to a day. Since the thermos is made from a glass jar for preservation, you can safely pour boiling water into it. It also works great for keeping drinks cold.
How to quickly make a large thermos from a three-liter jar

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Comments (1)
  1. tungus s
    #1 tungus s Guests 23 April 2020 08:54
    Good absorbent mats or plenty of newspapers under your feet.