10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Rope is used to solve many problems, but for it to work 100%, you need to be able to knit it correctly. For various purposes, special units are used that provide very reliable fastening.

Node 1: Noose

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

The edge of the rope is folded in thirds in a zigzag pattern. Then the bundle is taken with the left hand in the center. The second edge of the rope is wound around it clockwise. One regular turn is made; when turning the second, you need to move to the left, getting a crosshair. After this, 2 more turns are made.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

The remaining edge of the rope is inserted into the left loop from below. By pulling the right loop you can tighten the left one, resulting in a noose. This knot is thrown onto the object that needs to be lifted and tightened with the long end. The harder you pull, the tighter it holds. In this case, the tightening loop is easily released in the absence of tension on a long rope.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Node 2: Barrel

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

This is a unit for lifting cylindrical objects and boxes. The rope is laid on the floor and a lifting object is placed at its center. Then it is tied with a regular knot, as if squeezing a load.The loop of the knot on top of the object is stretched onto its walls, and the ends of the rope are pulled up.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

This knot allows you to fix identical loads on a rope, placing them on top of each other. Everything holds as long as the ends of the rope are pulled up.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Knot 3: Double Barrel

The ends of the rope are tied into a ring. It is placed on the floor. It is folded into a figure eight with a large and a small loop. A load is placed at their intersection.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

The large loop is transferred through the load to the small loop. It is passed through the smaller one, pulled up and thrown back over the load. Next, it needs to be laid out around the entire circuit.
On the sides of the load there will be 2 circles of ropes. You need to pull the inner one to the side, laying it on top of the outer one. After this, taking the outer circles previously shifted inward, you can tighten the knot around the load.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Knot 4: Counter

It is used when tying short ropes of the same diameter into one long one. On one of them a regular knot is knitted, but not tightened. The second rope is wound into his loop, and repeats the pattern of the knot, lying like him. By pulling the ends of both ropes you can create a strong connection.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Node 5: Constrictor

A loop is made in the center of the rope. It forms an eight. The resulting 2 loops are folded together downwards. The result is a knot that, once tightened on an object, does not unravel, even if its ends are not fixed. It is used for tying hands instead of handcuffs, as well as tying bags.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Node 6: Median conductor

It is typically used to work around a frayed area on a rope, removing it from the load. The rope is folded in half over the damaged area and turned 360 degrees.
Next, the loop is folded in half. The result is 3 loops.The frayed section is passed through the central one, and the ends are tightened. As a result, the area with the defect does not participate in the load. The loop you make can also be used as a third end of the rope.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Node 7: Fire escape

Using this method, you can quickly tie knots on a rope at equal intervals, which is necessary for comfortable descent along it. The end of the rope is taken in the left hand. With your right hand, grab the long edge about the width of your hand, and fold a loop out of it. It is transmitted without rotation to the left palm. In this way, rings are collected from the entire bay.
Next, the end of the rope is threaded through all the loops at once. It is clamped in the hand, rises up and the rest of the bay is released. As a result, the support nodes will be tightened along its entire length.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Knot 8: Bowline

This is a knot for fixing to a support. The edge of the rope on the right side is wrapped around a pole or tree. A loop is assembled at the long end. The middle of the same rope is threaded into it.
The short end of the rope is inserted into the resulting complex loop. After this, the knot is tightened. To prevent it from unraveling, you need to tie the short end to the loop with an ordinary single knot.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Knot 9: Bucket (quick release)

The bucket knot is used for fixation to a support and further quick untying. The rope is wound behind the support on the left. A loop is made at the short end. Then he goes around the long edge, and its middle is wound into a loop. The knot is tightened until it stops. The short end is locked in the loop.
If you pull the short edge, the knot will unravel. Because of this, it is used by climbers. A thin cord is tied to the short end. By going down the rope and pulling the lace, you can untie it and pull it towards you.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

Unit 10: Pulley hoist

This is a way to reduce the load when a tied load is displaced.If you throw the rope over the stop, then to shift it you will need to apply 2 times less force.
Next, a middle conductor knot is made at the long end of the rope. After this, it is wound by another stop, and its end is threaded into the loop. If you pull it from the side of the second stop, you will gain 3 times the strength. This can help when pulling a car out of mud or lifting a heavy load.
10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

10 rope knots that will make your life easier

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests 28 April 2020 09:30
    Beautifully shown and told about knots. I once knew (but have already forgotten) the double constrictor knot. I studied it in the magazine "Science and Life". Maybe someone knows, show me.
    1. Guest
      #2 Guest Guests 7 June 2021 15:04
      Why explain it? Here's an example