How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

If you need to tie an anchor, thimble, carabiner or other equipment to a rope, it is better to use weaving technology. It is many times more reliable and accurate than a knot or crimp. The weave will never unravel, and the stronger the tension in the rope, the stronger it holds.

Materials and tools:

  • knitting wire;
  • pliers;
  • massive screwdriver;
  • forceps.

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

Rope braiding

The end of the rope is folded in half so that its short edge is 20-25 cm. If the equipment is installed, it is immediately wound into a bend. In the example, weaving is done around the thimble.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

Next, you need to temporarily secure the bend with a tie wire. It is tightened at the end of the loop just behind the thimble. The wire is knitted tightly so that the fasteners do not move during operation.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

The short end of the rope unravels into strands. In this case there are 3 of them, but the method is also suitable for ropes with 6 or more bundles. To prevent the ends from unraveling into fibers, it is better to melt them over a fire.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

The loose strands are folded in front of the loop on the thimble, and the braided rope is pulled apart with a screwdriver.It is wound right in front of the thimble so as to separate the top 2 dense strands from the bottom. You need to pass and tighten the loose bottom thread into the resulting gap. It will be difficult because it is soft. If you twist it, the fibers will tighten and the strand will become stiffer. It is convenient to drag the protruding tip through with pliers.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

After tightening, you need to pass a screwdriver between the two strands that were previously together. As a result, the formerly separate strand will merge with one of them, and the remaining one will be left aside. The next loose thread, which was from below, is launched into the resulting gap.
Next, you should move one strand, and move the next pair of threads apart to pierce the remaining free end. That is, with each new weaving of the strands you need to mix one thread with a screwdriver.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

After weaving 3 strands, everything is repeated again, starting with the bundle that was the first. Each of them must be woven at least 4 times. This is enough for a reliable connection.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

After finishing the weaving, the remaining unused length of the strands must be trimmed. At the same time, it is better not to burn them, since then the weaving will be scratched. Even if the protruding ends fray into fibers, they will still not unravel inside the weave. The knitting wire is removed.
How to braid a rope without a knot into a loop or for attaching a thimble

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Comments (3)
  1. Polkan63
    #1 Polkan63 Guests November 29, 2019 12:05
    Great post
  2. Guest Sergey
    #2 Guest Sergey Guests November 29, 2019 12:42
    on the lay or against it? steel ones are woven mainly by laying and nylon or vegetable rope is woven against (boatswain)
  3. Guest Alexander
    #3 Guest Alexander Guests 21 December 2019 22:11
    After sealing, the remaining ends are not cut off - a “mark” is applied to them, then the fire will definitely not disperse.....