How to pull a pipe out of the ground

When dismantling old fences, greenhouses or other buildings, difficulties arise in removing pipes from the ground. If they can't be pulled out by hand, you usually have to dig everything out. A simpler solution would be to pull them out using a lever, for which a rope knot is used as a stop. This method will allow you to cope even with pillars deeply buried in the ground, provided you have a strong and sufficiently long lever.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground


  • shovel;
  • lever (crowbar or long pipe);
  • rope;
  • bricks or large stone.

Pull out the pipe using a lever

If the pipe is broken off at the surface of the ground, then you need to dig around it with a shovel bayonet. The recess greatly facilitates the work when tearing out pillars protruding above the ground, but in this case it is optional.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

Next, using a strong rope, you need to make an encircling knot. It is folded in half into a loop and tightened with a noose on the pipe at the very bottom of the recess.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

How to pull a pipe out of the ground

After this, the double edge of the rope is wrapped around the pipe and looped a second time.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

How to pull a pipe out of the ground

The double noose is moved as low as possible and tightened. Now the harder you pull on it, the tighter it holds.Then the double end of the rope is tied with a regular knot. The knot should be located a couple of centimeters above the ground level around the recess.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

A powerful lever is inserted between the ropes under the top knot. It is best to use a crowbar, but you can also get by with a thick-walled pipe, although there is a risk of bending it. A brick or stone is placed under the short end of the lever so that when it stops, it does not sink into the ground.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

Now, by pulling the long end of the lever up, you can pull out the pipe a few centimeters. After this, the grasping unit must be loosened and lowered down to the bottom of the recess.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

How to pull a pipe out of the ground

Then everything is repeated until the pipe comes out completely. If the forces that can be created are insufficient, then it is worth lengthening the lever. The longer it is, the easier it is to pull. In order not to constantly lower the noose down, you can simply stack the bricks on top of each other, placing the emphasis higher.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

This method allows you to pull out the pipe practically without bending it, so if it is not rotten, then after straightening with a hammer it can be used again. After using the lever, a small hole will remain in the place of the buried pillar, which will be easier to fill than a crater after digging.
How to pull a pipe out of the ground

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Comments (6)
  1. Yuri
    #1 Yuri Guests 29 February 2020 16:52
    First you need to loosen the pipe with strong blows in a circle. It is better not to use a clothesline, as in the photo. It is rather weak, and it stretches a lot; it is better to take polypropylene twine in several folds.
  2. Saveliy
    #2 Saveliy Guests 29 February 2020 19:28
    It will be so hard. I did the same thing, only I used a jack as a lever. And since the spino is shown, you can rip it off.
  3. Sergey BoriSych
    #3 Sergey BoriSych Guests March 1, 2020 10:31
    Listen and remember. The best way is to take a pipe wrench, popularly called a butt wrench, and with its help you can turn the pipe in the ground, which will immediately simplify the procedure. Then a crowbar and some brick or wooden block are taken, the crowbar is brought under the key, which firmly holds the pipe, almost next to the pipe being removed, and using the effect of a lever, the pipe is pulled out. In this case, you can turn the pipe a little back and forth with a wrench. Often you have to rearrange the key as the pipe is removed, but the method works 100% of the time.....
  4. We've all gone through this more than once
    #4 We've all gone through this more than once Guests March 1, 2020 10:39
    I bury pipes at 1.8 meters with a heel of 300 mm. We tried to pull out 100 tons with a crane, the cable broke
    1. Sergey
      #5 Sergey Guests March 4, 2020 11:34
      You can dig a hole around the pipe, at least half a meter deep, and then fill it with water. As water is absorbed, add more. In this way, the earth will turn into mush and the pipe can be pulled out, well, naturally, using the same crane...
      1. Valeri
        #6 Valeri Guests 14 January 2021 19:24
        a hose with water pressure inside or outside, everything comes out, and if you need to bury it, that’s also the best option