Useful and interesting. Page 53

Master classes:

Simple DIY folding clothes dryer

This is a very convenient clothes dryer that will not bother anyone since it easily folds when not in use. Very simple design to repeat. To extend the life of clothes and linen and at the same time maintain their presentation, they should not be

How to quickly uproot a large stump with a minimum of effort

There are situations when it is necessary to uproot a large stump at a summer cottage or in a garden. Digging it up by hand and chopping the roots is very long and difficult; such work may take more than one day. Problems will increase if the site has black soil and

Molding plastic parts at home. As easy as pie

The manufacture of casting products using modern materials has become quite accessible, quite simple and low-cost. Consider the option of using polyurethane for pouring and silicone to create the mold.

An accelerated method of removing rust with citric acid solution

Many have tried to remove rust with acid solutions, usually leaving the part in the bath overnight. This is an effective method, but time-consuming. Let's look at how you can remove rust faster.

How to make a shovel handle using an electric drill

With even basic tools you can make almost anything. To do this, you need to use your imagination and allocate a little more time than when performing similar work on specialized machines or devices. One example

A simple stand for an angle grinder made from a bicycle

If you have an angle grinder, you can saw, grind and cut many materials - wood, metal, stone, tiles, etc. But what to do when you need to cut long strands into pieces and ensure precision trimming. This requires complex and

The Sure Way to Remove Super Glue from Your Hands

Every master or home craftsman has encountered the problem of removing superglue that has dried on his hands. This substance has excellent adhesion to numerous surfaces, including very strong adhesion to the skin. The crust can be removed quite well using

We cast thin-walled parts from transparent plastic with our own hands

The technology of casting into silicone molds is not new, but in order to master it perfectly, you need to strictly follow a certain sequence of actions. Let's look at an example of how you can make a mold and pour a car lamp into it using a translucent

How to easily clean a dirty pan from carbon deposits

Every housewife knows how difficult it is to clean the surface of a pan from carbon deposits, especially if it is more than one month old. There is a very effective way to restore the appearance of dishes with minimal physical effort. Moreover, the surfaces are not at all

We check the heating elements of the washing machine before and after using citric acid

There is a wide selection of different products for removing scale from heating elements. But many people prefer traditional folk methods and remove it with citric acid. Manufacturers of cleaners strongly advise against doing this.

How to make an inexpensive watering tank

Experienced gardeners know that watering plants with cold water is strictly not recommended. They get sick from sudden changes in temperature, and some may develop root rot. How to solve a problem? Make a simple container for heating water

How to cut a nail with a wood saw without damaging the teeth. Useful life hack

Sometimes there is an urgent need to saw a nail, but there is neither a hacksaw, nor a grinder with a cutting disc, nor a chisel with a hammer, nor other tools that could be used to deal with this task relatively easily and simply.

How to start a car with a dead battery

Many motorists have encountered the problem of a dead battery. It doesn’t have to be old or have no capacity; it’s enough to leave electrical appliances on for a long period of time. If there is another car nearby with

How to make a duplicate key in 2 minutes

There are situations when the lock is in excellent condition, but there is only one key left, the rest are lost. If he disappears, there will be trouble. Spare keys are made in special workshops, but you can also make them yourself in

How to polish a scratched or worn watch glass

A high-quality watch mechanism works for decades, but its glass is not so stable. It is rubbed and covered with small scratches, so it becomes matte. Technically sound watches gradually begin to look worse. It's possible

Do-it-yourself cultivator from a brush cutter

Having a powerful brush cutter, you can convert it into a cultivator for weeding between the rows. There are special attachments for sale for this, but if you wish, you can make them yourself. Such equipment is installed on a brush cutter instead of a knife, when

How to Refill a Disposable Spice Grinder

Many people have disposable pepper grinders. They are very convenient to use, the degree of grinding satisfies chefs, and transparent containers allow you to control the amount of product. The only drawback is that the devices are not dismountable, after use

2 anchor sanding attachments

A burnt anchor from an angle grinder or other power tool is usually sent to a scrap metal collection site, but it can be put to better use by making a grinding attachment. It is weighty, has good balance and a very good shape for

How to expand the functionality of a trimmer with brushes

The edges of garden paths are often overgrown with vegetation or soil and various debris accumulate on them. Cleaning with conventional tools is not very effective, quite tedious and not at all attractive. This work can be done significantly

Do-it-yourself portable miracle stove from an old canister

Cooking outdoors rarely comes with comfort. You need to collect a lot of firewood, hammer in pegs with a crossbar for hanging the pot, raise the heat, etc. As a result, the usual preparation of shurpa or fish soup turns into a complex action.

How long does it take for water to drain from the sink? We will clear the clog in 5 minutes

Everyone has encountered the situation when water drains from the sink very slowly or does not drain at all. There is no time or knowledge to thoroughly clean the drain, but you need to use the sink immediately. Is it possible to restore functionality without

How to Start a Fire Using a Plastic Bag

Experienced tourists know several ways to light a fire in the forest without matches or lighters, but they all require great physical effort and special devices. We offer one more, you don’t need to rub anything, the sun will work.

The strongest connection of large cross-section wires without thickening by twisting

Splicing stranded wires with a large cross-section only by twisting is subsequently accompanied by oxidation, deterioration of contact and an increase in resistance. Plus, ordinary twisting has an unesthetic appearance and a significant thickening in

How to turn a bolt into a combination lock

Some crafts are interesting not only for their purpose, but also for their original technical design. These, of course, include a combination lock. The work consists of three stages: production of parts and assemblies, assembly and installation of the code combination