Zonov's method of getting fire

Zonov's method of getting fire

There are rumors that this method of making fire was invented by fugitive prisoners. When they needed to get fire, they tore the jersey and began rolling the batting until it ignited. Whether this is true or not now remains a mystery. But this method of breeding onions without matches works quite well, and probably some have already heard about it.
The batting in the zone is used not only as insulation for sewing sweatshirts, but also in the form of rags for washing floors. Therefore, the story may well be true.

Making fire with batting

Let's go directly to the method. Take a piece of batting and sprinkle it with ash from the stove or fire.
Zonov's method of getting fire

We roll it very tightly into such a “cocoon”.
Zonov's method of getting fire

It turns out to be something like a cigar. We strengthen the twist by rolling it with the palms of our hands several times.
Zonov's method of getting fire

As soon as the twist has become tight, we place it on a flat surface, in this case on a bench.
Zonov's method of getting fire

We take a piece of board and, pressing with force, begin to roll the twist along the bench “back and forth.”
Zonov's method of getting fire

After a while there will be smoke and if you unroll the twist, you can see a smoldering ember.
Zonov's method of getting fire

Wrap in paper and fan until hot.
Zonov's method of getting fire

Zonov's method of getting fire

The method is certainly not complicated, but it requires skill.You can use regular cotton wool as batting.

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Comments (3)
  1. Ivan
    #1 Ivan Guests 16 October 2019 05:45
    Well, yes, in every prisoner’s cell there is a board. and cotton wool in the corner.
  2. Alexei.
    #2 Alexei. Guests 16 October 2019 20:24
    Holy shit!!! I never would have thought of that!
  3. John
    #3 John Guests 2 December 2019 17:17
    Grigory Sokolov has a video of this method on YouTube - Rolling cotton wool with chalk - and a bunch of other methods, including ice, a condom, etc.)