Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 105

Master classes:

How to make a triangular hole in thick steel

A special stamp is used to make shaped holes in thick sheet steel. He pushes them through using pressure. Such a factory-made tool is usually equipped with a hydraulic drive, which is why it costs an incredible amount.

Now it’s convenient to sharpen knives: how to make a simple sharpening device

Working with a dull knife is difficult and dangerous. If it slips off the material, it can injure your fingers. Manual editing requires experience, as it is difficult to maintain the sharpening angle along the length of the blade. Good devices for this purpose cost several thousand rubles. TO

Grilled mackerel - faster and healthier than meat

Cooking fish takes little time. Grill the mackerel fillet. To do this, we independently divide the freshly frozen carcass into 2 fillets. This must be done correctly and carefully so that the fillet turns out beautiful, as much as possible.

We dispose of leaves safely and profitably using a barrel

In order not to burn cut branches and other garden debris on the ground, since after this nothing will grow in the burned area, it is worth making a special firebox. With it you can burn tons of garbage without damaging the area.

How to make a simple assembleable puzzle

Traditionally, models of sailing ships are assembled in bottles, which looks very beautiful and impressive. Let's try to assemble a collapsible structure in a transparent container with a narrow neck, which, of course, is far from a romantic boat, but nevertheless

How to organize the storage of garden tools so that it is pleasant to look at

For organized storage of garden tools, you can make a rack from the remaining scraps of sewer pipe and boards. With it, each tool will be in its place, and you won’t have to look for it for a long time.

Zucchini pizza in a frying pan - light, tasty, fast

Light, but at the same time satisfying pizza, the filling of which can vary from sausage, meat, mushrooms to simply tomatoes and cheese, is made on zucchini dough using a minimal amount of flour. Pan fried zucchini base

How to assemble a three-LED flasher powered by 220 V

It is very simple and easy to make a funny flashing light from several parts, and even powered directly from an alternating current network of 220 Volts. The three LEDs will flash vigorously and create an unusual lighting effect.

Plants grow right before our eyes from this waste fertilizer

For the active growth of any plants, micro and macroelements are necessary, which they can obtain in large quantities from compost.Since it is not possible to add dry fertilizer to the soil of an already planted plant, you can make a liquid fertilizer based on it.

How to preserve the germination of vegetable and flower seeds at home?

Many gardeners and vegetable gardeners prepare planting material at home. Using your own collected and carefully dried seeds is not only a way to save money on their purchase, but also a guarantee against

Burnishing, copper plating at home and where it may come in handy

To effectively protect steel surfaces from corrosion, bluing, passivation and copper plating are used. Such coatings are highly resistant to abrasion, which is superior to paint. Carry out bluing, passivation or copper plating of steel

How to make a band saw from bicycle wheels

To cut metal workpieces, you can make a band saw. Bicycle rims are perfect for use as pulleys. When using a sufficiently powerful motor, a homemade saw is generally in no way inferior to a purchased one.

Papillomas will fall off on their own: 5 traditional methods of removal

Papillomas may appear on the neck, eyelids, armpits or other areas of skin friction. These small formations are not a serious medical problem requiring the attention of a doctor. You can get rid of them at home

How to make a high-speed engine from a bolt and nut

As a drive for various homemade products, you may need a compact high-speed DC electric motor.If you have a thin enameled wire and two small magnets, it is easy to make with your own hands. He can do it perfectly

How to make a high-quality housing for installing a bearing without a lathe

If, when assembling a machine tool or other mechanism, it becomes necessary to make a housing for pressing a bearing onto a plate, this can be done in a regular garage without using a lathe. Moreover, the finished part will look like

Butter cucumbers - once done, you'll cook them all the time

This recipe is a favorite in our family, I close a lot of jars for the winter, and everyone who tries it asks for the recipe. The ingredients are the most readily available, without exotic ingredients. The cooking time is divided into 2 stages and takes a total of an hour and a half.

How to make a concrete mixer with a folding mechanism from a barrel

For serious construction, you need a large, reliable concrete mixer. If the budget is very limited, in order not to save on building materials, you can not buy a concrete mixer, but hand it over yourself from a steel barrel and scrap metal.

There will be no flies left on your site if you make this flytrap from one and a half rubles

In the summer, as soon as you set the table outside in the shade, green flies immediately appear out of nowhere and begin to circle over the meat dishes. To forget about this problem, you can make an extremely simple trap and equip it with bait, from

Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

In many countries, these include primarily the regions of the Caucasus, East and South America, a variety of flat cakes are used instead of bread. Moreover, they are rarely bought in stores, preferring to cook them themselves.And this time we decided

How to make delicious foamy kvass

In the summer heat it’s nice to drink cold homemade bread kvass. This is a very tasty, refreshing carbonated drink, and most importantly natural. Be sure to take the time to prepare it according to this recipe, you definitely won’t regret it!

How to easily replace a broken zipper slider

This method of repairing a zipper is as simple as a corner. Even a person who does not have such skills can cope with it. Moreover, it is suitable both for repairing zippers on the pockets of a bag or backpack, and for repairing shoes. In this particular

Marinating zucchini. Well, a very tasty and simple recipe

Zucchini is an affordable and healthy product. You can prepare many interesting dishes from this vegetable. If you are tired of the usual squash caviar and pancakes, then prepare pickled squash for the winter according to the original recipe. From simple

Not a crack in 30 years: A method of strengthening concrete by ironing

To extend the life of the concrete screed, it is recommended to iron it. The method involves creating a very durable, wear-resistant thin layer on top of the concrete, which will prevent cracking and spillage. Right

How and with what to quickly repair holes in slate so as not to have to redo it later

After an abnormal hail storm or falling branches, holes and cracks appear on the slate, through which water then leaks. If completely re-covering a damaged roof is not an option, then you can very quickly seal the holes with repair waterproof