Papillomas will fall off on their own: 5 traditional methods of removal

Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Papillomas may appear on the neck, eyelids, armpits or other areas of skin friction. These small formations are not a serious medical problem requiring the attention of a doctor. You can get rid of them at home in different ways.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Lemon juice

A cotton swab is moistened in lemon juice, applied to the papilloma and glued with a band-aid. The procedure is carried out once a day until cure.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Nail polish

You can also paint over the papilloma daily with nail polish. The problem should be resolved after a few procedures. The papilloma will simply fall off.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Soda and oil

You need to mix 1 tsp. soda with 0.5 tsp. olive oil. The resulting paste is applied 3-4 times a day to the papilloma, and left for 30 minutes, then washed off.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Apple vinegar

The area of ​​skin affected by papilloma is washed and dried. Then a swab soaked in apple cider vinegar is applied to it. It is fixed with a band-aid and changed 3 times a day until the problem disappears.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

Tea tree oil

For this treatment method, you need to mix 4 drops of water and 2 drops of oil. The composition is applied to the papilloma 3 times a day for a month. The method is not fast, but effective.
Papillomas will fall off on their own 5 traditional methods of removal

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  1. No Fate
    #1 No Fate Guests 5 April 2021 13:14
    Iodine is best...