How to easily make a medical mask

Hello, friends! Everyone knows that in order to protect yourself from various viruses and infections in public places, it is recommended to wear a medical mask on your face.
What’s so complicated about it, it would seem, I went to the pharmacy, bought this mask and that’s it. But, after visiting several pharmacies in order to purchase this very mask, it turned out that they were simply not available anywhere! And in order not to expose yourself and your relatives to danger, I suggest you make such a mask for free and in just two minutes, and you don’t need a sewing machine or glue! Even a schoolchild can make such a mask.
How to easily make a medical mask

To make a mask you will need:

A cord or elastic band 80cm long, a paper clip from a bag of bread or a roll, a small piece of clean cotton fabric (can be used, colored).
From the tools: tape measure or centimeter, scissors, iron, ruler, pencil and two minutes of free time.

Making a medical mask with your own hands

So let's get started. We cut off a lace or elastic band 80 cm long, and using scissors, we pierce two holes in the paper clip from the bag of bread.
How to easily make a medical mask

How to easily make a medical mask

How to easily make a medical mask

We put the paperclip on the lace. Placing it 25cm from the end of the lace. After this, we tie the ends of the lace with a knot.
How to easily make a medical mask

The first, and perhaps the most difficult part is finished. Any cotton fabric is suitable for the filter element. This could be an old unnecessary shirt, an unnecessary sheet or pillowcase, or, for example, a handkerchief.
A rectangle of 36 cm x 18 cm is cut out of the fabric and ironed.
How to easily make a medical mask

How to easily make a medical mask

After ironing, all possible viruses and bacteria will be destroyed, the fabric will be even and smooth. Now the fabric needs to be folded three times and ironed again. Open the folded rectangle and place the prepared lace inside so that the paperclip is in the middle of the top edge.
How to easily make a medical mask

Fold the edges of the rectangle to make three layers of fabric. All. The mask is ready.
How to easily make a medical mask

The mask is put on the face in the same way as a pharmaceutical medical mask: The mask is placed on the face, with the clip placed in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose, and the loops of the lace are placed behind the ears. The mask needs to be straightened on the face, and the clip is pressed around the bridge of the nose.
How to easily make a medical mask

Now you have reliable protection against viruses and germs.
How to easily make a medical mask

How to easily make a medical mask

I can recommend cutting out several spare rectangles in advance - filters for the mask and then you will always have spare masks on hand. Masks made of colored fabrics look very cool. I recommend.
You can watch the video for clear instructions on how to make a mask. Let's all be healthy!

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Comments (38)
  1. Guest Tatyana
    #1 Guest Tatyana Guests 1 March 2020 20:17
    A very good idea, especially now. The other day I wanted to buy medical masks, I went to 6 pharmacies and couldn’t find them anywhere!
    And following these instructions it’s really easy to do. Thank you very much!
    1. Zhorik
      #2 Zhorik Guests March 3, 2020 11:57
      Read below. Pharmacy masks are not for your protection.

      But our people, and like most people in the world, do not know how... and do not want to... read, and in a panic they prefer to poison themselves with an alcohol solution of iodine only after hearing the word “radiation”, after listening to YouTube advice.
      1. Maria
        #3 Maria Guests 3 March 2020 14:04
        That’s right, pharmaceutical masks are not for protection, but just that. wipe dust from tables. But surgeons in hospitals or the Chinese don’t understand anything at all, they’re probably fools.
        1. Zhorik
          #4 Zhorik Guests 4 March 2020 20:40
          I don't like arguing with "non-readers". See my post below.
          Surgical masks are COMPLETELY different, not like in a pharmacy. And the Chinese are the same poorly educated ordinary people as you, who panic and buy everything.
      2. Elena
        #5 Elena Guests 3 March 2020 14:30
        Zhorik, you are very mistaken. I'm a doctor and I know what I'm saying.
        1. Guest
          #6 Guest Guests 4 March 2020 18:22
          Well, here’s doctor Elena about medical masks on Wikipedia.
        2. Zhorik
          #7 Zhorik Guests 4 March 2020 20:45
          Homeopath perhaps? If not, then I can find out your specialization and where you work, I just don’t want to get an appointment with you one day.

          As a doctor, you should know that such masks are worn by patients so as not to infect others.And that surgical masks are completely different. Just as you should know about FFP(x).

          And a counter question. Why then do all specialists who deal with viruses wear not “pharmacy rags”, but normal masks + goggles + gloves?
          1. nick bye
            #8 nick bye Guests 28 April 2020 16:16
            And you, apparently, are going to roam around virus breeding grounds? Naturally, such a mask is needed more “for bearer” in vehicles, shops..., for one-time outings, but mostly, so as not to give a damn about others. Because the main source of viral spread is still “therapeutic and clinical concentrators”.
  2. Dmitry Mironov
    #9 Dmitry Mironov Guests 1 March 2020 20:25
    Very handy. Nowadays this is very useful information. As they say, forewarned is forearmed.
  3. Guest Vladimir
    #10 Guest Vladimir Guests 1 March 2020 22:55
    Previously, I advised buying construction masks; they are still on sale. Now I will recommend yours. I agree that it is simple and fast. Respect from me.
  4. Natalia Sorokina
    #11 Natalia Sorokina Guests 1 March 2020 23:26
    That's for sure, there are no masks anywhere, everyone has gone to China. Yesterday I even saw a surgeon in the hospital wearing a similar colored mask. The article is useful. You have to be able to do them.
  5. Boris
    #12 Boris Guests 1 March 2020 23:52
    Right! Russians are invincible! No masks, no problem, we’ll do it. Young!
  6. Galina
    #13 Galina Guests March 2, 2020 06:49
    thank you very much for the advice and hint - you alone and in just a minute and super accessible - on a budget and simplicity for any person, you completed the work of a number of ministries with their countless departments and highly paid employees!!!
  7. Sergey
    #14 Sergey Guests March 2, 2020 11:25
    It'll do. I'm picking it up. It will come in handy.
  8. Semyon Andreevich
    #15 Semyon Andreevich Guests March 2, 2020 11:47
    Not bad. I don’t know how to sew, but it’s not difficult to cut and fold like this.Thank you, this is just right for me.
  9. Valentina Semyonovne
    #16 Valentina Semyonovne Guests March 2, 2020 12:11
    My whole family suffers from ARV. Can't buy masks. I'll go ahead and do it right now.
    Thank you!
  10. Grandfather
    #17 Grandfather Guests March 2, 2020 20:00
    What a smart girl! Great idea. Anyone can make such a mask. I'll tell everyone at work tomorrow. And then they stopped issuing them, they say they’ve run out. All the best to you, beauty!