How to check your lungs in 10 seconds and suspect an asymptomatic disease in the first stages

With the onset of cold weather, the risk of lung damage from viral infections or the development of dangerous complications from the flu increases. This is accompanied by fibrosis, which at first has no symptoms. In this regard, it is recommended to carry out this test daily in order to notice in time that lung function is impaired.

Lung testing process

It is necessary to take a calm, deep breath while standing or sitting, exhale and hold your breath for 10 seconds. After this, breathing resumes, first with a short breath, then with a deeper one, gradually returning to normal.
How to check your lungs in 10 seconds and detect asymptomatic disease

If a delay of 10 seconds does not cause discomfort and the desire to breathe deeply, often as after diving, then everything is fine with the lungs. When breathing becomes difficult and the heart rate increases, this indicates that the lungs cannot cope. In this case, you need to urgently consult a therapist and undergo fluorography.

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