How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

As always, there is not enough time in the morning. Everyone is running and fussing, especially in a large family. To win precious minutes while preparing breakfast, I’ll show you a life hack on how to cook an egg (or several at once) in the microwave in less than a minute, since almost everyone has them now.
It only takes 40 seconds to cook from one to 4-5 eggs at a time. That is, it is quite possible to feed your family or yourself a healthy breakfast in a short period of time.

Will need

  • Egg.
  • Bowl or mug.
  • Cling film.

If you need to cook 2 eggs, then take two bowls accordingly, and so on.
How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

Cooking an egg for 40 seconds in the microwave

So, let's begin! Crack the shell and pour the egg into a mug.
How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

Wrap the mug tightly with cling film. There must be a tightness.
How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

We put it all in the microwave. Set the maximum power and oven timer to 40 seconds and start cooking.
How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

During cooking, the film will swell, do not be alarmed - this is normal, it means the egg is reaching its proper condition. After the time has passed, we take out the dishes. The prepared dish should easily roll onto the plate.
How to cook an egg in 40 seconds

Please note:
  • 40 seconds is an approximate value, the power of your microwave oven may vary, and accordingly the cooking time.
  • If the egg sticks to the dish, grease it with a drop of sunflower oil. You can also add a small amount of water instead of oil.

In this simple way you can prepare an excellent healthy dish for a healthy breakfast for the whole family.
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Comments (5)
  1. ZWave
    #1 ZWave Guests 22 August 2018 23:34
    Who tried it, didn't it fail?
    1. V
      #2 V Guests August 23, 2018 09:03
      We'll definitely bang! The whole world is in ruins. But after.
  2. Guest Mikhail
    #3 Guest Mikhail Guests August 23, 2018 09:12
    and the result is a piece of rubber sole. If, of course, it doesn’t matter what you eat and there is no basic taste, then yes. Explode - does not explode.
  3. Kostya
    #4 Kostya Guests 10 September 2018 21:40
    Damn! Well, the topic has long been chewed on, why you can’t make it in a shell. Isn’t it immediately clear that eliminate the pressure on the walls as if on a shell and that’s it!! Boiling in a closed environment is excluded. This method was not new.They even did it in a newspaper and there were no explosions. There is a method in two disposable plates, covered with each other and shrunk at the end, it is more fun.
  4. z
    #5 z Guests 1 July 2022 19:31
    "It will be necessary

    Bowl or mug.
    Cling film."

    Crap. It doesn't say you'll need a microwave.
    it's like here:
    Opening the 1905 Cookbook, in the section: “What to do if guests come to you, but there is no food in the house?”
    - “Send the cook to the cellar, let her cut cold boiled pork, salmon, add pickled cranberries, sprinkle with fresh herbs and serve. Spilling homemade liqueur, apologize to the guests...”

    Well, by the way, it will explode in the microwave, I checked, the egg immediately freezes on the outside, boils on the inside, and without a film it all scatters throughout the microwave in the form of an aerosol