Sleep mask - Panda

A sleep mask is a salvation for those who like to fall asleep in pitch darkness. A comfortable, soft Panda mask will be a good gift as a cute nighttime accessory. Follow the simple steps to make a mask for yourself or as an exclusive gift.

To work you will need:
• Sewing machine.
• Black, red and white sewing threads.
• Needle.
• Good scissors.
• Thick black fabric.
• White cotton fabric.
• Sheet of paper A 4.
• Pen.
• Tape measure.
• Thick black elastic.
• Black trim.
• Safety pins.

To work you will need


1. Make a pattern. Draw an oblong shape as shown in the photo, approximately 9 cm wide and 21 cm long. Fold the sheet in half and carefully cut out a symmetrical pattern.

Make a pattern

2. Place the pattern on black fabric. Pin with safety pins and cut out. Do the same on white fabric. If the black fabric is too thin, cut out several more of the same blanks to fold them in layers.

pin the pattern

3. Cut out the same piece from white fabric.

Cut out three pairs

4. Cut out three pairs of different sized circles for the panda’s eyes and a small circle for the nose.

Sew large circles

5. Sew large circles using a sewing machine.

Sew medium-sized circles

6.Sew medium-sized circles.

Sew small circles

7. Sew small circles for the eyes and nose. Sew the mouth with red thread.

Sew the two mask pieces together

8. Sew the two mask pieces together.

Measure and sew the elastic

9. Measure and sew the elastic.

sew the binding

10. Using a sewing machine, sew the trim to the inside of the mask.

Turn the binding inside out

11. Turn the tape inside out and baste it along the contour of the mask.

Sew the binding

12. Sew the trim to the mask from the front side.

Sew the binding

13. Cut two circles from black fabric with a diameter of 4 cm.

cut out two circles

14. Fold the circles in half and trim the edges with tape.

Fold the circles in half

15. Sew the ears to the mask. Ready!

Panda sleep mask
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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