Marinating zucchini. Well, a very tasty and simple recipe

Zucchini is an affordable and healthy product. You can prepare many interesting dishes from this vegetable. If you are tired of the usual squash caviar and pancakes, then prepare pickled squash for the winter according to the original recipe. From simple, commonly available products, a dish with an unusual taste is obtained. Young canned zucchini crunches appetizingly in your teeth and tastes surprisingly reminiscent of pickled mushrooms.

Required Products:

  • zucchini - 1.5 kg,
  • sugar - 100 g,
  • vegetable oil - 70 ml,
  • 9% vinegar - 30 ml,
  • salt - 20 g,
  • dill seed - 20 g,
  • ground pepper - 10 g,
  • garlic - 8-10 large cloves.


Remove the skin from the washed zucchini. Remove large hard seeds.

Cut the vegetables into approximately equal cubes.

Peel the garlic and chop finely.

Place zucchini cubes, garlic and dill seeds in a container.

Pour in salt, sugar and pepper, pour in oil and vinegar.

Mix the ingredients with a wooden spoon.

Close the container with a lid and leave to infuse in a warm place for 2-3 hours. During this period, the required amount of brine will be released.

Place the zucchini in clean jars and fill with brine.

Cover the jars with sterilized lids. Place a cotton napkin at the bottom of a deep pan, place the jars and fill with water up to the neck.

Let the water boil, reduce the heat to low and sterilize the jars for 10 minutes.

Screw the lids on tightly. We turn the jars over, placing them on the lids. Cover with a warm blanket.

Store completely cooled jars of canned zucchini in a cool place.

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