Butter cucumbers - once done, you'll cook them all the time

This recipe is a favorite in our family, I close a lot of jars for the winter, and everyone who tries it asks for the recipe. The ingredients are the most readily available, without exotic ingredients. The cooking time is divided into 2 stages and takes a total of an hour and a half.

So, the products:

  • - 4 kg. fresh cucumbers;
  • — 1 glass of vegetable oil (that’s why they are called oil);
  • - 1 glass of granulated sugar (no more, no less);
  • - 100 grams of salt;
  • - 1 glass of 9% vinegar;
  • - 2 heads of garlic;
  • — 4 dill umbrellas (more is possible);
  • - 1 tablespoon ground black pepper (or grind it yourself in a mill).

That's all the ingredients.

Let's get started. First stage:

Step 1: We carefully wash fresh cucumbers to remove all pimples, cut off the ends, and cut them lengthwise into 4 parts. Place in an enamel pan with a lid (4 kg of cut cucumbers will fit in an 8-liter pan, but when the juice is released, they will settle).

Step 2: In a deep saucepan, combine salt, sugar, vegetable oil, vinegar, pepper. Typically, add the oil last so that the vinegar dissolves the salt and sugar as much as possible. And pour this juice over the cucumbers in a saucepan (you don’t need to cook anything at this stage, just season it to get the juice out.We leave them to steep for 4 hours, shaking regularly (they are covered with a lid so that the vinegar does not evaporate). Just shake it so as not to break it when stirring with a spoon.

Step 3: Then we cut off the central supporting stem of the dill umbrella so that small umbrellas remain, all separately. Then pour small umbrellas into the pan with cucumbers.

Step 4: Now it’s the garlic’s turn. Naturally, it is not necessary to peel it, cut it into slices, or chop it, you can simply cut it into plates. Add to our magical cucumbers. Shake the pan periodically, pressing the lid. Leave them for at least 4 hours.

Second phase:

Step 5: Using a fork, place the cucumbers vertically, evenly, beautifully and neatly in prepared half-liter jars. Then, when all the cucumbers are packaged, then pour the marinade dressing into the jars and spread the remaining garlic at the bottom.

Step 6: Select a pan slightly higher than the height of the jars, place a cloth napkin on the bottom, place the jars on it and fill the space between the jars with warm water up to the hangers. Place the pan over medium heat and bring the water to a boil. Let them boil for 10 minutes, then use special tongs to remove the jar, cover with a pre-sterilized lid and roll up with a key.

Step 7: Wrap the jars until they cool completely, turning them upside down. Keep refrigerated.

Step 8: Serve as an appetizer, with pilaf, and with potatoes.

Bon appetit.

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