Curd and strawberry smoothie

Curd and strawberry smoothie

Summer is coming, and with it the time for fresh fruits and berries. A refreshing smoothie with strawberries is a great option on a hot summer day.
Smoothies are a very popular drink among those who want to lose weight, since the original recipe does not contain sugar. However, for those who are not very concerned about the problem of extra pounds, this recipe for a refreshing smoothie, with a small addition of condensed milk, will be to their taste.
The peculiarity of the smoothie is that it is served cool and smooth, pureed in a blender, but at the same time quite thick. Therefore, this drink can replace one of your meals. However, the smoothie recipe, which will be described below, is very high in calories, so it is better to consume it in the first half of the day.

Let's move on to cooking, we will need:

1- Cottage cheese (low fat or fat free) - 3 tablespoons
2- Milk - 200 ml
3- Condensed milk (without additives) - 3 tablespoons
4- Strawberries (frozen or fresh) - 300 grams
5- Ice - 3 cubes

Actually the recipe itself:

Place the following ingredients in a blender bowl:

The first component is to add milk to the blender.Beat it at highest speed until fluffy.

The second component is cottage cheese.

Gradually add cottage cheese one spoon at a time and beat a little with a blender.

For smoothies, it is better to use ground cottage cheese without grains, but if this is not available, then regular cottage cheese will do, although the smoothie will be more sour.

The third component is condensed milk.

And finally, the last thing we put into the blender is the strawberries.

if the strawberries were previously frozen, then you should not add ice, but if not, then 3 ice cubes will give the drink the necessary coolness and freshness.

Next, turn on the blender at the highest speed and beat for about 7 minutes.

After all the manipulations, pour the smoothie into beautiful glasses, decorate with a straw, a sprig of mint and serve. This drink is best consumed immediately, before the whipped structure settles.

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