Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Sweet compotes and jelly are not the best options for quenching thirst on hot days. But water with lemon and ice is the most win-win option in such cases: it’s tasty and healthy if consumed in moderation, profitable and pleasant.
However, it is impossible not to take advantage of the variety of recipes for cooling drinks that promise heavenly pleasure, which is now offered to inquisitive experimenters and simply lovers of delicious new products. And among them, if you don’t want to cook the ubiquitous mojito, you can choose the simplest solutions.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

How and from what to create something unusual

Fans of coffee or coffee with milk just need to throw a piece of ice into their favorite drink and serve it not in a cup, but in a martini glass, so that the traditional drink turns into a universal product.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Fermented milk base plus fruits and berries diversify the list of amazing cocktails and smoothies. prepared at home in such a way that you can change and improve your diet every day.
They are especially easy to prepare if you have a blender at home. So, it takes five minutes to mix a handful of blueberries (currants or raspberries, strawberries or mulberries) with 250 ml of kefir.And the effect is appetizing, both in taste and in appearance.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Juices of different fruits in different communities can compete with any drinks. It can be two or three, or a whole ensemble of components. After all, greens harmonize perfectly with vegetables. They, in turn, can be mixed with fruits and berries.
For example, carrots go perfectly with apples and bananas.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

You can try to use all sorts of configurations. But it’s important not to overdo it here. The main thing is that they do not turn out too thick. True, drinks that are overly concentrated in composition can always be diluted with cold water without gas or its carbonated analogue.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

Culinary experimenters don’t stop there. They arrange all kinds of foam from whipped proteins and cream on top of regular juices.
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol

So it turns out that the range of thirst-quenching drinks is so large that it can easily replace any kind of alcohol!
Simple and exotic cold drinks without alcohol
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