Bicycle axle extension spool

To store an extension cord, it is convenient to use a reel, which you can assemble with your own hands from various waste materials. If you approach the matter with inspiration, then it is quite possible to get a reel no worse than the factory one.
Bicycle axle extension spool


  • old front axle from a bicycle;
  • 2 hard plastic plates or trays from flower pots;
  • cuttings of polypropylene pipes;
  • a piece of plexiglass or plywood;
  • 3 plugs for polypropylene pipes;
  • 1 tee for polypropylene pipes;
  • 3 corners for polypropylene pipes.

Coil assembly

To assemble the reel spool, you need to connect 2 plates and a bicycle axle together. To do this, a hole is made in the plates so that their bottom can be pressed closely against the cups of the axle bushing.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Bicycle axle extension spool

To secure the plates to the axle, 4 rivets are used. To install them, you will have to widen the holes on the bushing and drill the plates.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Bicycle axle extension spool

Next you need to make a tripod frame to secure the spool. It is very easy to solder from scraps of plastic water pipes.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Please note that one of the legs is attached to a longer tube extending from the tee. This is necessary for the normal placement of the plates so that they do not get pinched.The beams of the remaining legs are shorter, which makes the design compact.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Bicycle axle extension spool

A hole is drilled in the center of the elongated tube to match the diameter of the axle stud. The stand itself can be spray painted with plastic paint. The axle is screwed through a hole in the elongated tube to the resulting stand.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Bicycle axle extension spool

You need to cut out a retainer for the extension cable and its plug from plexiglass or plywood. It is made in the form of a rectangle slightly smaller than the diameter of the bottom of the plates. You need to make 2 cuts on it for the cable, into which you can insert it so that it does not unwind.
Bicycle axle extension spool

The resulting retainer is glued to a spacer made from a piece of large-diameter plastic pipe. A hole is made in the bottom of the outer plate for the wire outlet. After which the plexiglass retainer with the spacer is glued to the plate.
Next, from the inside of the spool, a wire without a plug is inserted into the hole in the plates. It is necessary that it extends approximately 1 m. A plug is placed on the extended end of the wire. A socket is installed on the long side of the cable on the spool side.
Bicycle axle extension spool

The cable with the plug is wound around the clamp and clamped into the slot. Next, by rotating the spool you need to wind the remaining wire. In this case, after winding, the socket will be clamped between the spool and the leg, so the extension cord will not unwind itself.
Bicycle axle extension spool

Bicycle axle extension spool

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Comments (1)
  1. Guest Alexander
    #1 Guest Alexander Guests 13 November 2019 21:12
    The idea is interesting, but only the internal diameter needs to be increased, otherwise the wire will look like a pig’s tail.