How to make cappuccino

Cappuccino - a famous Italian drink, beloved all over the world. It is generally accepted that only a professional can prepare this exquisite and incredibly beautiful drink. Let's try to debunk these ridiculous rumors. I assure you that after a little practice, you will enjoy your own cappuccino, topped with snow-white foam.
So, we will need:
•coffee (preferably natural ground coffee)
•6-10% cream or full fat milk
First you need to brew coffee. To do this, pour 2 teaspoons of coffee into the cezve, add 1 cup of water and put on fire. The most important thing at this stage is not to let our coffee boil, otherwise it will turn out bitter. As soon as the foam begins to rise to the edge of the cezve, you should immediately remove the drink from the stove. When the foam settles, brew the coffee again. This procedure must be repeated 4 to 7 times.

Now let's start whipping the cream. One cup of cream is used for one serving of coffee. Pour the cream into a small saucepan and heat, but do not bring to a boil. It will only take a few seconds. Then, lowering the heat to the lowest setting, immerse the mixer or blender in the cream and begin whisking.It is better to tilt the bowl with cream slightly. In this case, the main thing is not to miss the moment when the foam is ready. You need to focus on the bubbles that appear on the surface. While they are there, we continue to beat, and as soon as the bubbles have disappeared, we remove the blender. Our foam is ready.

Now let's start connecting all the components. Take the brewed coffee and pour it into a cup, filling it about 2/3 full.

Very carefully spread the milk foam on top with a spoon.

In order to check whether the cappuccino is prepared correctly, it will be enough to decorate it. Sprinkle the cream foam with a small amount of cinnamon, and if the snow-white “cap” holds it, then our coffee was a success.

Add a little sugar on top and we can just be proud of ourselves! We made a wonderful and delicious cappuccino ourselves!

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Comments (1)
  1. gost
    #1 gost Guests 17 July 2015 13:20
    Cool, but the instructions for my blender say that it cannot be immersed in a container located directly above the fire).