Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Every season it is necessary to treat potatoes with poisons 3 times, or even more often, to combat the Colorado potato beetle. Naturally, this does not make it any more useful. In order not to use poisons, you need to spray potatoes with a natural, safe product that beetles cannot tolerate.

What you will need:

  • Birch tar;
  • warm water;
  • plastic bottle 2 l.

Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

The process of preparing and processing potatoes

To prepare the product you need to heat the water. It should be hot, but tolerable to the hand. Water is poured into a 2 liter bottle and 2 teaspoons of tar are added on top.
Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

The bottle is closed with a cap with holes. They are drilled with a 0.5 mm drill. 5 holes are made in a row. You cannot pour the solution into a spray bottle, as the tar will clog it when it dries.
Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Potatoes are sprayed from a bottle immediately after emergence. There is no need to fill every bush; it is enough to simply spray the solution throughout the plantation so that most of it gets on the leaves.
Super simple safe remedy for the Colorado potato beetle

Beetles hate tar, so they will not sit on such potatoes to lay eggs until the smell disappears.By repeating the treatment every 10 days from the moment the seedlings emerge, or more often if there has been heavy rain, you can repel it all summer. If you delay and the beetle has time to lay eggs, the emerging larvae will remain. Due to their slowness, they will not be able to get out of the bushes. Tar is unpleasant for them, but not fatal, so to combat the larvae you will still have to resort to poisons.

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Comments (3)
  1. Guest Andrey
    #1 Guest Andrey Guests July 21, 2020 11:53
    No repellent solutions have any effect on beetles. And even if it works. Spraying the shown garden from a plastic bottle is hard labor for no less than a day. And so every 10 days? You won't want any potatoes!
  2. Vitaly
    #2 Vitaly Guests 22 July 2020 17:06
    Pensioners seem to have nothing to do, so they have time every 10 days or even more often to do such nonsense. And those are just potatoes! I can imagine what needs to be done there to preserve the harvest of other crops.
  3. Hans
    #3 Hans Guests 30 September 2023 23:02
    They suggested: collect the green shoots of young garlic in a container and fill it with water for a couple of days, then drain and spray the beetle, it worked very well for cabbage against aphids, I tried it several times, it helps, but it’s easier for me to buy poison, because We don’t grow garlic in such quantities.