The beetle won't even fly up to the potato if you prepare this simple remedy.

To get a potato harvest, during the summer you have to treat the bushes with products against the Colorado potato beetle almost every few weeks. Such intensive spraying saturates the tubers with excess chemicals, making them unsafe to eat. To at least slightly reduce the frequency of using insecticides, you can use a 2 in 1 treatment. It provides foliar fertilization with nitrogen, and at the same time repels the beetle from the bushes with its smell.

What you will need:

  • ammonia;
  • water;
  • liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.

The process of preparing the product and processing potatoes

To spray potatoes, you need to mix 2 tbsp in 10-12 liters of water. spoons of ammonia and a few drops of liquid soap or dishwashing detergent.

Ammonia is a nitrogen fertilizer that potato bushes need during the formation of tubers. Soap or detergent provides better adhesion to the sheet. Without them, the ammonia solution will simply flow down the leaf into the soil.This is also good in terms of fertilizer, but if the alcohol lingers on the leaf, it will give off a specific smell and taste for some time. The beetle is not happy with ammonia, so it will prefer to look for another plantation.

Be sure to try it!

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Andrey
    #1 Guest Andrey Guests 26 June 2020 22:11
    Any folk remedies DO NOT AFFECT the beetle AND NO SMELLS REMOVE THE BEETLE. Plants receive significantly more nitrogen from regular urea. Intavir has not worked on the beetle for 20 years, and there are plenty of resources for one or two treatments per season.
  2. Dmitriy
    #2 Dmitriy Guests 30 June 2020 02:25
    the rain will wash everything away