Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with ribs, although a simple dish, is very tasty and therefore loved by many. It cooks quite quickly, especially if pork ribs are used for its preparation, which do not require as much time to stew as, for example, beef ribs. Of course, you can use any other meat to prepare stewed potatoes, adding a variety of spices and herbs. By experimenting in this way, each time you can discover new and unusual tastes for yourself, it would seem that such a dish, at first glance, is ordinary and has long been included in the daily menu of every person. This recipe will tell you about preparing stewed potatoes in the simplest and probably familiar way to everyone, with the addition of onions, carrots and traditional spices.
- 700 g pork ribs;
— 1.5 kg of potatoes;
- 2 onions;
- 2 carrots;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- salt;
- a few peas of black pepper;
- vegetable oil.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Wash the ribs well and pat dry with a paper towel to remove excess water.Pour 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil into a deep saucepan and place the pork ribs there, add salt to taste and fry on both sides over high heat for 10 minutes.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

While the ribs are frying, you need to chop the onion.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Using a coarse grater, grate the carrots.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

After 10 minutes, add chopped onions and carrots to the fried pork ribs. Fry for another 5 minutes until the onions and carrots are browned and lightly golden.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Next, pour hot boiled water over the ribs until they are practically covered. Reduce heat and simmer for 30 minutes.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

In the meantime, you need to prepare the potatoes, namely peel them and cut them into fairly large pieces.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

After half an hour, add the potatoes to the almost ready pork ribs, add salt to taste, taking into account that the ribs are already salted, add pepper and bay leaf. Stir and simmer until fully cooked for another 20 minutes. If the potatoes are not completely covered with water, add the required amount of water.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

After 20 minutes, serve the finished potatoes with pork ribs.
Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Stewed potatoes with pork ribs

Bon appetit!
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Comments (1)
  1. princessira
    #1 princessira Guests 21 August 2017 12:54
    Thanks to your article, I realized my mistake in preparing this dish. I immediately placed the ribs in the pan and cooked.And if you fry them, and even with onions and carrots, the taste will be a hundred times richer and brighter. It seems like such a simple dish, but it still has its own nuances. Thanks for the recipe!