Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

Do you still buy condensed milk in stores? And aren’t you worried that it contains a lot of harmful chemical additives? And the cost of industrial condensed milk has recently been quite high. And sometimes it is impossible to eat store-bought products of this kind. Isn’t it easier to try to establish the production of such adored sweets in your own kitchen? Then you certainly won’t have to doubt its quality. Moreover, it will not take much effort or much time. And the cost of a homemade product will be much lower than the price offered by traders. And homemade condensed milk is prepared in literally 20 minutes.
Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

The main ingredients of this delicacy are granulated sugar, whole milk and butter. But if you wish, you can supplement this composition with vanillin and/or milk powder. And if you add a little more cocoa powder (a tablespoon or two), you will get chocolate condensed milk, which many people also like.

Ingredients for 250 g of finished condensed milk:
• 250 ml. fresh whole milk with a fat content of at least 3% (or cream of any fat content);
• 25 g butter;
• granulated sugar or powdered sugar – 200 g.
Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

The preparation time for homemade condensed milk is no more than 20 minutes.

Cooking method:
In a small container (not an enamel one), mix the milk with granulated sugar, put it on the fire and, with constant stirring, wait until the sweet grains are completely dissolved. Then add the butter and bring the milk mixture to a boil.
Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

Use a whisk to mix evenly. Cook over medium heat (at a fairly high boil) for 15 minutes, remembering to stir. You will end up with a fairly liquid milk mass. This is normal. Pour the resulting result into a glass jar and leave until it cools completely, during which the condensed milk will gradually thicken.
Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

Now you can use condensed milk, prepared with your own hands, for any purpose: add it to coffee or tea, pour it over fruit or cottage cheese casseroles, prepare sweet pastries from it, or simply eat it with spoons.
Homemade condensed milk in 20 minutes

Bon appetit!
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Comments (2)
  1. llove
    #1 llove Guests 8 August 2017 20:08
    I have to try it, I want something homemade and natural. Moreover, there is also village milk. I’m just confused by such a large amount of sugar in the recipe and I’m wondering about the storage issue - does it crystallize?
    1. Guest Igor
      #2 Guest Igor Guests 27 July 2018 14:59
      Why don't you like this amount of sugar? Condensed milk has a sugary taste, well, very sweet.