How to make coffee ice

The aroma of coffee is very bright and, perhaps, the most recognizable in the whole world. It is added to perfumes and confectionery. There are also many alcoholic cocktails that include coffee.
The problem when preparing mixed drinks is that the ice, turning into water, dilutes the taste. This can be solved by making coffee ice. When such ice melts, it will turn into regular strong coffee and complement the taste of the cocktail, and will not make it watery at all.
How to make coffee ice

To make coffee ice you will need:
  • instant coffee – 1 tsp;
  • ice molds.

How to make coffee ice

Instructions for making coffee ice

Pour dry instant coffee granules into a mug.
How to make coffee ice

Fill with hot water. We take no more than 150 ml. It is better to make strong coffee for making ice. Otherwise, the cocktail will lose its taste.
How to make coffee ice

Carefully pour the strong, cooled coffee into the cells of the ice mold. It can be either plastic or silicone. The latter are intended for making sweets and often have shaped cells. Thanks to this, you can also make ice of an unusual shape. For example, in the shape of hearts.
How to make coffee ice

If the liquid in the form has reached room temperature, put it in the freezer. Often the cells in the molds have a volume of no more than 10 mL, so the ice will freeze within a few hours.
Getting the coffee ice pieces out of the mold is quite easy. You just have to turn it over. Now you can put the coffee ice into the glass.
How to make coffee ice

And pour in the rest of the ingredients of your favorite cocktail.
How to make coffee ice
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Comments (3)
  1. Den
    #1 Den Guests 20 August 2017 17:01
    It's amazing for a milkshake. Delicious!
  2. MMddMM
    #2 MMddMM Guests 23 August 2017 23:44
    Modern medicine has proven that caffeine is harmful. I recommend using instant decaffeinated coffee. It worked out well with tea too.
  3. Akril
    #3 Akril Guests 12 April 2019 16:06
    This way you can freeze any favorite ingredient, tea, mint leaves or flower petals, or maybe tropical fruit juice with pieces of pulp, a good idea