How to make delicious foamy kvass

In the summer heat it’s nice to drink cold homemade bread kvass. This is a very tasty, refreshing carbonated drink, and most importantly natural. Be sure to take the time to prepare it according to this recipe, you definitely won’t regret it!


  • black bread – 400 gr.;
  • water – 4 l;
  • pressed yeast – 10 g;
  • sugar – 150 gr.;
  • raisins – 50 gr.

The process of making homemade kvass

Black bread is cut into medium-sized pieces and dried in the oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes. It is necessary to achieve the appearance of a golden crust on the pulp, but in no case allow it to burn, so that the kvass does not give off bitterness.

The crackers are poured into a jar and filled with two liters of boiling water.

After cooling, it is necessary to filter the liquid from the softened bread pulp. To do this, it is convenient to use a sieve or colander and layer them with gauze in 4-8 layers.

The filtered pulp is squeezed out and poured back into the jar, then poured with two liters of boiling water.

After 1 hour, the liquid must be filtered to the previously drained water. As a result of mixing, the water should turn out to be barely warm. If it is still hot, then you need to wait until it cools down.

Next, the yeast is stirred in a small amount of colored bread water and also poured in from above.

Following the yeast, sugar and raisins are poured into a pan with bread water. Everything is mixed until the sugar dissolves, and left at room temperature with a lid on for 8 hours. During this time, active fermentation will begin and soon foam and the smell of kvass will appear.

After 8 hours, the kvass is bottled with a closing lid. It is best to use a glass container; if this is not available, PET bottles will also work. The main thing is to close the kvass so that it “carbonates”. If stored in an open container, the desired effect will not be obtained. Filled bottles are placed in the cold for at least 4 hours. It is best if the kvass is infused in the cellar in vertically placed bottles; it is too cold in the refrigerator, so the drink will turn out a little worse.

Bread kvass according to this recipe is very tasty and no worse than traditional kvass, which takes days to prepare. It is optimal to pour the drink into small bottles, so that when you drink one, the others can infuse closed and become tastier. As the bottles become gassed, they swell greatly, to the point where the caps come off, so you should try to drink the kvass within a couple of days.

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