Bread crumbs in the microwave

Bread crumbs in the microwave

It’s not difficult to buy crackers in the store; there are ones for every taste. But after reading the label, it’s scary to eat them, let alone give them to children who are simply crazy about such delicacies. The recipe for crackers in the oven has been known for a long time, but still, many connoisseurs note that the crunch is still not the same as that of store-bought counterparts. But if you make crackers from bread in the microwave, it turns out exactly the same. And no preservatives or flavor enhancers. Try it, it's quick and simple. You can choose any seasonings.


  • black bread 200 g.
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp.
  • curry seasoning 0.5 tsp.

How to prepare crackers in the microwave

Prepare everything you need. Even stale bread will do. As for the crust, everyone decides for themselves; many people like it in crackers, while others prefer only the crumb.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

If necessary, cut the bread first into slices about a centimeter thick, and then into oblong bars, squares or rectangles, in general, as desired. But you should try to make them approximately the same size so that they dry evenly. Add curry to vegetable oil and stir.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Place the bread sticks on a flat, even plate.The one that comes with the microwave oven is quite suitable. Using a pastry brush, brush the bread with the flavored oil.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Then stir and apply spices to the other side.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Place in the microwave.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Cook at 800 W for 4 minutes, check and stir for the first time after a minute, and then check every 30 seconds. Also, when you open the oven door, steam will escape, which promotes faster drying. In the last stages, watch very closely; you may need to remove those pieces that have begun to change color.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Serve with any sauce or just as is. You can store at room temperature for up to 3 days, but the bread croutons in the microwave will dry out more and more.
Bread crumbs in the microwave

Bread crumbs in the microwave

Bread crumbs in the microwave
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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Vladimir
    #1 Guest Vladimir Guests 11 March 2019 14:03
    Better still in the oven
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests 12 March 2019 21:34
    To avoid turning them over, you need to place them on a raised wire rack, so they don’t sweat from below, but dry out.