Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

In many countries, these include primarily the regions of the Caucasus, East and South America, a variety of flat cakes are used instead of bread. Moreover, they are rarely bought in stores, preferring to cook them themselves. And this time we decided to present to our readers a simple recipe for flatbreads with suluguni in the oven, which are often prepared in Georgia. Try this in your own kitchen and see that such bread will not only complement any dish, but will also serve perfectly as an independent snack.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home


  • filtered water (80 ml);
  • wheat flour (200 g);
  • yeast (4 g) - 1/2 pack;
  • salt in dough;
  • white sugar (1/2 tsp);
  • refined oil into dough (1 tbsp);
  • egg yolk for greasing - 1 pc.;
  • suluguni (70 g).

Flatbread recipe

1. Heat the planned amount of filtered water to the required 36-38 degrees, pour the liquid into a suitable bowl, where we also pour yeast, fine white sugar and a little coarse salt.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

2. Mix the water well (until the lumps disappear), then add the flour and add a spoonful of refined oil.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

3.First, in the bowl, and then on the work surface, knead the plastic dough until it stops sticking to your hands. Next, we form a beautiful ball from the mass and leave it under the film in a necessarily warm place for an hour.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

4. After the specified time, knead the noticeably increased (2-3 times) dough, roll it out into a “sausage” and cut it into 6 pieces with a knife.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

5. Roll out identical cakes from each using your hands or a regular rolling pin (thickness up to 1 cm, diameter up to 15 cm).
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

6. Transfer the cakes to a flat baking sheet lined with baking paper and pierce their surface shallowly with a fork so that the cakes subsequently rise evenly.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

7. At the next stage, grate the salted suluguni on the fine side of a metal grater.
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

8. Now we grease the surface of the flatbreads with beaten yolk and generously cover them with the prepared cheese, after which we put them in the oven and cook there at the required 180 degrees for a short 25 minutes (it is advisable to switch to the top heat for the last 10).
Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home

Cooking flatbreads with suluguni in the oven at home
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