Do it yourself - with your own hands. Page 19

Master classes:

Restoring PP fittings using a homemade reamer

Polypropylene fittings are much more expensive than the pipes themselves. Therefore, the ability to reuse them when reworking a pipeline provides significant savings. To do this, you need to make a special reamer in order to drill out the soldered part from the fitting.

Recipe for tender brine cheese with a minimum amount of ingredients

The variety of cheese products on supermarket shelves is amazing. But not everyone can be called ideal in taste and composition. But learning how to make homemade cheese from a minimum amount of ingredients is easy! We invite you to watch the step-by-step

Three Useful DIY Tools

You can make such a simple tool yourself in a short period of time. It will not necessarily be one-time use, because it can be used constantly. Ingenuity will always help out when you don’t have what you need at that very moment.

Eggplant recipe for those who don't like them

Purple eggplants can be prepared in an unusual way and even those who don’t like them will like them.The finished version of the snack looks very unusual and tastes like crispy vegetable sticks. They are served as a separate dish

How and with what to easily trim complex tiles

Every finisher knows that when working with tiles, fit is a particular challenge. Typically, craftsmen use paper and cardboard to create a pattern, which is then used to draw and cut out an outline on the tile. However, there is another

How to eliminate involuntary glow or flickering of a switched off LED lamp

Involuntary glow or flickering of LED or energy-saving lamps can be observed for two reasons. The first is the incorrect activation of the switch itself, as a result of which it opens the neutral conductor and not the phase conductor. The second reason

How to make a fish hook remover

The modern market offers a great variety of devices for removing a hook from a fish’s mouth, called fishing extractors. They differ in design and the material from which they are made. It could be

How to make a flashlight that runs on water

This design of the flashlight is good because it can be stored for a long time without maintenance, and at one point it is picked up, refilled and ready for use. A very interesting design to repeat and just for reference.

The trick of an experienced welder when welding thin metal 0.3 mm

Welding thin metal 0.3 mm thick, especially galvanized metal, is a rather difficult and unsafe task even for an experienced welder, since zinc fumes are very poisonous and the welding process must be carried out in the open air or in a good

How to make an ultra-compact and economical diesel stove

A gas and electric stove can be successfully replaced by a diesel fuel stove made from scrap materials. This does not require special knowledge or skills.

How to prepare fertilizer for seedlings before planting, which will immediately give strength and growth

A week before transplanting, it is advisable to strengthen tomato seedlings. Conventional baker's yeast helps to increase the “phytoimmunity” of plants and facilitate the process of transshipment, during which the root system is most often injured. A solution that costs pennies

How to add brightness control to an LED lamp

The LED lamp operates within a wide voltage range of 100-250 V, and if there is a need to adjust its glow, it simply cannot be done. Standard dimmers will simply be powerless here. What might it be needed for?

How to make a convenient and attractive garden sink from a metal barrel

In a farmstead or at a summer cottage, after some work, you need to wash your hands. Using a hose for this is not very convenient. It is much better to make an outdoor sink using an old 200 liter metal barrel. Coping with this kind of work

5 ideas for renovation and home use

Tricks and useful ideas have always been valued both in renovation and in everyday life.They make life a lot easier and simpler. Sometimes you won’t even guess what can be done from seemingly simple things. Here is just a small part of 5 useful tips,

How to make a stove for a cauldron from a gas cylinder

Buying a simple factory stove will cost a tidy sum. Since its design is standard, it is often not entirely convenient in some specific circumstances. You can save a lot of money and take into account local peculiarities if you make such a stove

Why do experienced gardeners bury kitchen waste?

After cooking, many housewives have food left in the kitchen: egg shells, vegetable peelings, stale bread. You can simply throw them away, but it is better to use them to fertilize the soil in the garden. Natural fertilizer easily decomposes and nourishes

3 simple detector circuits for various household needs

An excellent selection of easy-to-follow detector circuits. The first two options are capable of performing two functions at once: a detector of hidden wiring and a radio signal. The latter is able to determine the power of the carrier radio signal. This small attachment

How to quickly make a soldering iron from a 5 V pencil

You can make a soldering iron from scrap materials in about 15 minutes. This useful idea is a “lifesaver” in a difficult situation. With such a tool it is quite possible to make small repairs, even where there is no electricity, because a soldering iron is easy

Tender chicken breast cutlets with potatoes. Amazing technology with freezing

If you just make chicken cutlets, they will turn out very dry. There will be little pleasure from such food.But what if you add potatoes to the meat? The result will be a tastier “thing”, but there is another cool secret thanks to which

How to make a mechanized machine for weaving a chain-link mesh from scrap materials

Fences are made from chain-link mesh in a farmstead or at a summer cottage, the area is divided into zones, cages for animals are made, etc. It is sold in the store, but the purchase will cost a tidy sum. A simple design will help you save money

How to make a metal cutting tool from old valves

This tool will clearly not be superfluous in a home workshop, since with its help you can quickly and easily cut sheet metal, both in a straight line and along a curved path. It can be assembled from two used poppet valves

How to choose a “long-lasting” tick repellent that works even after 2 weeks

With the onset of warm days, ticks become more active. There are many ways to protect against them in forests and parks. The most famous is tucking your pants into your boots and putting on a hood. But this method does not kill insects, but only prevents them from entering the body.

How to remove rust and restore a car part in a garage

Cleaning flat or cylindrical metal parts is not difficult at all, for example, using a drill and a wire disk. When parts have a complex shape (usually they are produced by casting), it is better to use an electrochemical cleaning method, which

How to make a loft style lamp from cans

Loft lamps often surprise with their cost.They do not contain any highly artistic details that are difficult to manufacture, but at the same time their price is perhaps the highest. In this regard, if necessary, it is much more reasonable to spend a couple of hours of time, and