Tender chicken breast cutlets with potatoes. Amazing technology with freezing

If you just make chicken cutlets, they will turn out very dry. There will be little pleasure from such food. But what if you add potatoes to the meat? The result will be a more delicious “thing”, but there is another cool secret thanks to which the cutlets will acquire an incredible and delicate taste. This is frozen in the freezer.


  • 600 gr. chicken fillet;
  • salt to taste;
  • half tsp black pepper;
  • 400 gr. cheese (it’s also very tasty without it);
  • 500 gr. potatoes;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 150 gr. breadcrumbs;
  • 30 ml. vegetable oil.

How to cook the most tender chicken cutlets

Cut the meat into strips, then into cubes. Place in a bowl, add salt and pepper.

Grate the cheese and potatoes and add to the ingredients.

Mix the minced meat well with your hands until the mixture becomes homogeneous. Divide it into several parts and place in plastic bags. Form into a rectangular shape and place in the freezer for 3 hours.

When the semi-finished product hardens, take it out and cut it into square cutlets.

Dip each piece in an egg beaten with a fork. Then in breadcrumbs.

And fry on both sides. Serve this dish with ketchup or other favorite sauce.

Thanks to freezing, the composition acquired extraordinary tenderness and excellent taste.

Such preparations can be prepared in advance in large quantities and stored in the freezer for up to six months.

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Shish kebab according to a recipe from the times of the USSR - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/8200-shashlyk-po-receptu-vremen-sssr.html
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