How to find the center of a circle

When manufacturing or processing wood parts, in some cases it is necessary to determine where their geometric center is located. If the part has a square or rectangular shape, then this is not difficult to do. It is enough to connect opposite corners with diagonals, which will intersect exactly in the center of our figure.
For products that have the shape of a circle, this solution will not work, since they do not have corners, and therefore no diagonals. In this case, some other approach is needed, based on different principles.
How to find the center of a circle

And they exist, and in numerous variations. Some of them are quite complex and require several tools, others are easy to implement and do not require a whole set of devices.
Now we will look at one of the simplest ways to find the center of a circle using only a regular ruler and pencil.

The sequence of finding the center of the circle:

1. First, we need to remember that a chord is a straight line connecting two points on a circle and not passing through the center of the circle.It is not at all difficult to reproduce: you just need to place a ruler on the circle anywhere so that it intersects the circle in two places, and draw a straight line with a pencil. The segment inside the circle will be the chord.
In principle, you can get by with one chord, but to increase the accuracy of establishing the center of the circle, we will draw at least a couple, or even better - 3, 4 or 5 chords of different lengths. This will allow us to level out the errors in our constructions and more accurately cope with the task.
How to find the center of a circle

2. Next, using the same ruler, we find the midpoints of the chords we reproduced. For example, if the total length of one chord is 28 cm, then its center will be at a point that is 14 cm in a straight line from the intersection of the chord with the circle.
Having determined the centers of all chords in this way, we draw perpendicular lines through them, using, for example, a right triangle.
How to find the center of a circle

How to find the center of a circle

3. If we now continue these straight lines perpendicular to the chords in the direction to the center of the circle, then they will intersect at approximately one point, which will be the desired center of the circle.
How to find the center of a circle

4. Having established the location of the center of our particular circle, we can use this fact for various purposes. So, if you place the leg of a carpenter's compass at this point, you can draw an ideal circle, and then cut out a circle using the appropriate cutting tool and the center point of the circle that we have determined.
How to find the center of a circle

How to find the center of a circle
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Comments (11)
  1. Sergey Eliseev
    #1 Sergey Eliseev Guests 2 February 2019 17:18
    God! What difficulties! It is immediately clear that the author has nothing to do with carpentry. There is a simple tool - a center finder. Made from a regular school triangle. If anyone is interested, I can send you a sketch.
    1. Sergey good afternoon.
      #2 Sergey good afternoon. Guests 1 March 2019 18:42
      I read your comment on the question of finding the center of a circle. You are working on a center finder from a triangle. I would be grateful for the sketch. Thank you.
  2. Guest Alexander
    #3 Guest Alexander Guests 2 February 2019 20:21
    It’s easier to construct two inscribed right triangles with a ruler and pencil
    hypotenuse is a diameter, two diameters intersect in the center. That's it.
    #4 ANDREY Guests 2 February 2019 22:59
    Very difficult . There is a simpler option. If you place a right triangle in a circle, then the midpoint of the hypotenuse is the center.
  4. Sector
    #5 Sector Guests February 3, 2019 11:18
    Yes, there is no way to do this without higher mathematics.
    But does religion not allow you to pick up a tape measure and find the largest diameter of a circle? And draw the line. And then do the same on the opposite side. It will take a couple of minutes to do everything and the center will be determined.
    Your assignment is to find the center in a circle, right? I'm not wrong?
    1. Sector
      #6 Sector Guests February 3, 2019 11:19
      More precisely, not from the opposite side, and with a 90-degree shift, perform the same operation.
      Otherwise I reported something to you.
  5. Den
    #7 Den Guests 3 February 2019 12:15
    For comparison, here is another option for finding the center of a circle:
    1. Place a ruler on the circle anywhere.
    2. Trace both sides of the ruler with a pencil so that the lines intersect the circle in both directions.
    3. Measure each of the two lines and mark their midpoints.
    4. Draw a straight line through the found points in both directions until it intersects the circle line in two opposite places.
    5. The middle of the line we received will be the desired center of our circle.
  6. Guest Sergey
    #8 Guest Sergey Guests 4 February 2019 11:50
    Tape measure, ruler, etc. - we are looking for the largest size - this is the diameter. Then it’s simple))
  7. Alexander Lindeman
    #9 Alexander Lindeman Guests 7 February 2019 16:15
    It's an empty mess with these rectangles, center finders, and rulers. Everything, guys, is much simpler: with a compass (you can use a tape measure or a ruler), using one size you roughly outline the center of the circle from three of its sides (you can take more than three sides). You get a kind of “triangle” from the outlined radii. To more accurately determine the center, repeat the operation, again outlining the radii from the “corners” of the “triangle” obtained in the center of the circle to the center. This method makes it easy to find the geometric center even of an ellipse or irregularly shaped circle. So, for example, if you need to find the center at the end of a round workpiece of any irregular shape during turning.
  8. SevaVsevolozhsk
    #10 SevaVsevolozhsk Guests 1 March 2019 15:52
    Very clever. Diameter is the longest chord that passes and intersects exactly through the center. You set it rigidly to a point on the circle and look for the maximum length of the segment on the opposite side of your point. Draw a line. This is the first diameter. Then you take it and do the same thing from another place, this is the second diameter, they will intersect exactly in the center.Not sure? Well, do the third one, be 200% sure. All.
  9. Svetlana
    #11 Svetlana Guests 12 January 2023 16:52
    Your method helped me a lot. Let's say my circle is approximately 75 cm, not complete. It takes a long time to build right triangles, but using chords is quick, clear and simple (3x is enough)...Thank you!