Shish kebab according to a recipe from the times of the USSR

This kebab recipe is simple, does not require sophisticated ingredients and has a unique, nostalgic taste from Soviet childhood. It was prepared by our parents and grandparents during the Soviet era, when everything was in short supply. Nevertheless, such kebab turns out very tasty and does not require much time and expense.

Ingredients for barbecue

To prepare shish kebab in a vinegar marinade, we will stick to the following recipe:
  • fattier meat (lamb, beef, pork) – 1 kg;
  • onions – 0.5 kg;
  • six percent vinegar – 50 ml;
  • ground black pepper – 1.5 teaspoons;
  • medium coarse table salt – 2 teaspoons;
  • clean water – 1 glass (200 ml).

The process of preparing shish kebab according to a Soviet recipe

We cut the meat pulp into strips, removing pronounced veins and film, and then divide it into pieces with a characteristic size of about three centimeters.

Cut the onion heads into rings.

Place the meat, cut into large pieces, into a container, preferably glass or enamel. Place onion sliced ​​into rings on top of the meat.

Sprinkle the meat and onions in a container with salt, ground black pepper, six percent apple cider vinegar and add a small amount of water according to the recipe.

Then mix the contents of the container thoroughly with your hands so that the ingredients of the future kebab soak each other with juices and enter into the necessary interactions.

At the end of this procedure, you need to lightly press the resulting homogeneous mass with your palms so that the liquid component of the marinade comes out and pours over the meat and onions. Then we leave the semi-finished shish kebab to marinate for 2-3 hours.

In the meantime, you need to prepare a barbecue and firewood (saxaul is better, but birch logs will also work).

Thread the meat onto skewers, alternating with onion rings, and leave on the tray for a while to drain off excess liquid.

By this time, the firewood should burn down to coals and be slightly covered with ash.

Place skewers with meat and onions on the grill. In the first part of frying, you must carefully ensure that the heat is moderate and the kebabs do not burn.

In the second part of preparing this dish, the kebabs should generally only simmer. In this case, excess fat will drip onto the coals and, when burned, will smudge the fatty meat and give it a pleasant brown tint.

You should be especially careful when preparing shish kebab from lean meat according to the above recipe. Trying to give it a brown tint can dry out the kebabs.

Bon appetit!

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