Why do experienced gardeners bury kitchen waste?

After cooking, many housewives have food left in the kitchen: egg shells, vegetable peelings, stale bread. You can simply throw them away, but it is better to use them to fertilize the soil in the garden. Natural fertilizer easily decomposes and nourishes the soil. We'll show you several options on how to do this.


  • leftover parts from products.

We make free fertilizer at our summer cottage:

The first way to fertilize the soil is to put the scraps in one pile and make a compost pit. Apply rotted waste to plants as needed.

The second option is to bury the leftover food in the ground.

It is important that the waste does not contain plastic, rubber and foam, which do not decompose in the soil and harm the growth of crops. Take peels from potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, peels from bananas and citrus fruits, egg shells, and an old loaf.

In the garden bed, dig a trench 30 centimeters deep and spread biodegradable food scraps. Dig a hole. The fertilizer will decompose for at least one month.

Use a simple and quick way to make the soil more fertile.Watch a video on using peels and soil cleaners.

Watch the video

Free fertilizer that will increase the yield and sugar content of tomatoes and other vegetables - https://neo.washerhouse.com/en/6298-besplatnoe-udobrenie-kotoroe-povysit-urozhaj-i-saharistost-tomatov-i-drugih-ovoschej.html
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