DIY furniture. Page 3

Master classes:

Bamboo sconce

When decorating your interior, sometimes the problem arises of choosing accessories. A solution to this could be making it yourself. We cut the bamboo. A circular saw is perfect for cutting workpieces, but in principle you can get by with

Soft trestle bed for a summer residence

To create a soft country trestle bed you will need: • 1.5 liter plastic bottles – 72 pieces; • scotch; • double sided tape; • scissors; • cosmofen glue; • cardboard; • a reel of any strong rope; • foam rubber 5cm thick; • artificial


A small wooden stool will find a use in every home. Children run around with great joy in these chairs. Sitting on such a stool is convenient for peeling potatoes and performing other “sedentary” work. However, buy a small stool

From an old bedside table to a dressing table

Recently, home interior design in the Provence style has become popular. White furniture, slightly touched by artificial antiquity, will add a special mood to the decoration of your home.Such furniture can appear in your home,

Decorative shelf made of plywood box

To create a shelf you will need: • a wooden fruit box; • magazine tubes – 151 pieces; • small mirror; • scissors; • double sided tape; • universal glue “cosmofen”.

Garden table made of picket fence

Garden furniture is always relevant for those who have at least a small garden plot at their disposal. And it is not always advisable to buy ready-made models. Moreover, simple options can be made with your own hands. For example, a garden table made of

Multi-tier shelf

A multi-tier shelf consists of only 4 main parts: a wall beam, a metal zigzag rod (tube), brackets for fastening, boards for the shelf or chipboard. The number of shelves may vary depending on needs. From single tier to

Corner shelf

The corners in the room almost always remain unoccupied, and yet there is enough space there to place a small shelf, rack or hanging. From a design point of view, the corner location provides some advantage because it

Mobile table made from ordinary

You have quite good kitchen furniture, which usually stands in the corner - it doesn’t bother anyone. When guests arrive, or it’s time for the whole family to eat, you start moving it to a convenient place. An even more exotic problem: to

Wooden shelf

Hand-made furniture has always pleased home craftsmen, especially if this furniture has found active use in everyday life.Not every craftsman is capable of making unique furniture, but he can make such a thing as a bathroom shelf

Second life of a stool

It so happens that over the years, furniture wears out and loses its appearance. In this article we will try to give new life and a designer look to an old stool. The materials we need are: - PVA glue; - wool thread; -tassel;

Lightweight hanging lampshade

Now we will make a light hanging lampshade for a small room - a small kitchen or hallway. This lampshade is made in an ethnic style, which has recently become very popular. It is very appropriate in a country house, in a country house, where sometimes

Clock for children

To make a watch you will need: an eraser, a ruler, double-sided tape, brushes, watercolor paints, an old watch, a battery, a screwdriver, a piece of paper, a burning device, a pencil, a container of water and a plywood blank. The workpiece can be

Salt night light

Once, having been on an excursion to the fabulous salt caves of Soledar, we brought home a relatively small piece of salt as a memorable trophy. And knowing that the salt lamp is not only amazingly beautiful and bewitching, but also very

Children's furniture - high chair

The child grows, new needs appear: a high chair, for example. It turned out that in the store a quality item costs at least 4000 rubles. And safety is the most important thing.

Homemade lamps from decorative glass

Hello. I make lamps with my own hands from different types of decorative glass.I don’t think it needs any explanation - everything is simple and clear. I will make it to order for you.

Lamp made of PVA glue and threads

If your old lampshade from a night light has broken or you just want to give it a unique and inimitable look, then you can make a beautiful lampshade with your own hands. For this you will need: PVA glue, scissors, a balloon, a pen, a needle, thick threads,

Narrow bathroom cabinet

The cut chipboard is covered with a paper edge using an old iron. Having aligned one edge of the edge with the corner of the part, use a hot iron to smooth the edge along the entire end. When heated, the glue melts and sticks the edge. Extended edging edge

Shelf in Provencal style

Furniture and interior items in the Provence style are a fashion trend today. Perhaps someone would like to decorate their home with an interesting detail in this style. In order to acquire such an interesting thing, it is not at all necessary to go to a special store.


Of course, this is not a simple headboard, but something useful and creative. And why only for the bed? This idea can find other uses in the interior, everything is limited only by your imagination.

Table for breakfast in bed or for a laptop

The breakfast table in bed is quite easy to do and does not require any special skills. Anyone can make it. To make such a table you will need any painting measuring 50 by 70 centimeters (ready, but if you have

Let's update the lamp with a new lampshade

Often in our apartments we collect things that seem to be in perfect working order, but, nevertheless, we do not use them. Sometimes they don’t fit with a new renovation, family members don’t like them, or they’re simply out of fashion. But they are dear to us, and it’s a pity

How to make a chair from scrap floorboards

For a long time I tried to make something with my own hands. But as always, there was not enough time, sometimes patience, or simply no strength. And one day at work I decided: “I’m bleeding from my nose, but I come home and start doing it.” The first thing that came to mind was

Mini bar that is always at hand

A funny, and most importantly - useful homemade product. Nothing gets in the way anywhere. Guests have arrived or you want to have a glass of aperitif before dinner - press the button and everything will appear. . .