Lightweight hanging lampshade

Now we will make a light hanging lampshade for a small room - a small kitchen or hallway. This lampshade is made in an ethnic style, which has recently become very popular. It is very appropriate in a country house, in a country house, where sometimes there are many small rooms. Easy to manufacture.

The material for it will be reed, thickets of which can be found on the banks of lakes and rivers. But if it is difficult for you to get such material, you can also use ordinary willow twigs, having first cleared them of bark and dried them.
A structure made from reed will be lighter, since this plant is hollow inside and therefore practically weightless.
We will also need some tracing paper (which can be successfully replaced with baking paper), cotton or jute twine, PVA glue, pencil, scissors, needle, thick spool of thread. It is convenient to cut the cane with garden pruners.

Try to choose smoother reeds that are the same in thickness. Cut 6 pieces approximately 30 cm long for the base and three pieces, the length of which is 4 cm shorter, for the vertical posts. But you can change this ratio to suit your individual project.

Lightweight hanging lampshade

Fold the triangle and tie the sticks with twine - you get a rigid structure. Assemble the second triangle in the same way. (3)Now you can connect the vertical posts in series. The frame is ready. For greater strength, coat the twine joints with glue and leave the product to dry.

Then we cut out the side walls from paper. It will be convenient to use a pencil here - just trace the contours from the inside. Cut without reserve, since the paper should be more or less taut. Now use a needle to pass the thread through the corners of the prepared sheets. Tie them so that they do not warp. At the same time, try not to pull the thread, which, if careless, can cut through the paper. So tie all three sheets in sequence.

Now all that remains is to make a hanging device. It's very simple - pull a thread from each corner to the opposite side of the triangle, tie. Thus, in the center you will get an asterisk, which will allow the lampshade to hang on the socket with an electric light bulb. Its minimal weight in this case is its main advantage. Of course, you should not place it in rooms where there are strong drafts - the design is not designed for this.

If you let out longer threads at the corners, you will get an even greater resemblance to a kite. You can collect them and tie them in a bun, using multi-colored threads. If you want, add a picture or hieroglyphs - get a Chinese style.
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