Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Most people in their apartments and houses have furniture their laminated chipboard or MDF. Since these are pressed slabs, if damaged, the defective area looks simply terrible and greatly spoils the appearance. Let's look at how you can repair the damage and hide its traces.

Pasting large torn laminated pieces

Torn pieces from the stove can be glued with PVA glue, covered with cling film and pressed with a clamp through the slats until it dries.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

After gluing, the seam can be rubbed with a wax stick of the appropriate color. If it is a white body, it is enough to cover it with a regular corrector from office supplies.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Restoring a hole for a self-tapping screw or confirmation

If you need to repair a large chip and restore the space for fasteners, you can use epoxy clay or cold welding.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

The composition is mixed and applied in place of the torn piece. In this case, you need to glue the fallen fasteners back into place.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Before the composition becomes hard, it needs to be trimmed by cutting off the protruding part with a blade.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

You can also smooth it by pressing it with an even strip through a plastic bag. Immediately the field of this fastener is unscrewed.
When everything has hardened, you need to sand the surface and paint it in color with a corrector or oil paint. If during further assembly the line of contact between the intact and the restored part is noticeable, the corner can be rubbed with a wax pencil
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Filling a chip with a 3D pen

The chip needs to be primed with PVA glue. Then a couple of staples are driven into the part, but so that they protrude slightly.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

After the glue dries, the damage is filled with polymer from a 3D pen.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Next, the plastic is ironed through parchment paper, and the excess is cut off with a blade. You can also sand the defect and paint it.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Repairing small chips of the laminated layer on the edges

If there are small chips on the edges of the chipboard after cutting, it is enough to move a wax pencil with a selected color along them. On white parts, a corrector helps.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Repairing a through hole from a long self-tapping screw

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

If, when assembling furniture, a self-tapping screw was screwed in too long and it went right through, it must be unscrewed immediately. The chipped particles of the laminated layer are pushed aside, the sawdust is washed off, and glue is applied. Then you need to put the flaps back and press with a clamp until dry.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

If the flaps are lost, the problem is solved with wax. It needs to be pushed into the hole with the tip of a knife and trimmed.

Restoring scuffs and dents on PVC edges

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

When the PVC edge has scuffs or dents, it is enough to polish it with the laminated part of a piece of fiberboard. If the tone of the PVC in the restored area is lighter, it needs to be heated with a hairdryer and it will become darker.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Repairing bent plastic parts

If the tray under the dryer is bent, you need to heat the bend with a hairdryer and hold it in a leveled position until it hardens. Heating can also restore the color and hardness of the plastic corner. If it has been bent, you need to blow it with a hairdryer until the white bend line matches the color of the rest of the plastic.

Extension for a torn door hinge

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

To securely restore the hinge fastening, you need to buy a mortise furniture nut with a screw. It is glued to the place of the removed screw. To do this, use a mixture of epoxy resin with ordinary dry gypsum putty, fine sawdust or other filler. To prevent the compound from getting inside the nut, it can be filled with grease.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Next, formwork is placed on the damaged facade, and it is filled with the composition in several passes. The hole for the hinge can be opened with a ring of PVC pipe.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

If the edge on the façade was severely damaged when the hinge came off, it will have to be replaced. It's better to take a self-adhesive one. It is heated with a hairdryer and pressed.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

The excess width of the edge is cut off and the cut is ground.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

The surface restored with epoxy is filled with corrector or oil paint. Then the loop returns to its place.
Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

Cool ways to repair furniture that you didn't know about

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