An interesting do-it-yourself feed level indicator in a chicken feeder

Homemade bunker feeders made from plastic sewer pipes are very popular. Due to their capacity, they have to be filled every couple of weeks. Due to the fact that maintenance is rarely required, many people forget to replenish them on time. By making such an indicator, you will be able to notice in time that the food has run out.

Basic materials:

  • Board;
  • transparent plastic tube 20-30 mm;
  • steel ball 18-25 mm;
  • powerful magnet;
  • press button;
  • battery-powered flashlight with blinking mode;
  • wires.

Indicator device

The bunker itself for the indicator of this design is made from a sewer pipe and a corner. A board with a filling scale is attached to the side. A thin transparent tube is attached to it, close to the feeder, in which an indicator ball is placed.

When filling the bunker, a heavy disk with a magnate is placed on the feed. The disk itself must be tied with a thread or chain to the container plug.

As the food is eaten, it will sink to the bottom. The chain will allow you to pull it back later.After filling the hopper, a metal ball is lowered into a thin tube. When it falls into the magnetic field of attraction, it freezes and will subsequently fall along with the disk.

When the ball reaches the bottom position, he presses the indicator button. As a result, a light alarm will go off, which will indicate the need to load the feeder. At the same time, as you eat, thanks to the scale and ball, you can evaluate the remaining food. A light indicator for the feeder can be made from a flashlight and a pressure button placed under a thin tube.

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