Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Surely each of you knows that most Duracell batteries have a built-in charge indicator. If you have such batteries and they are completely discharged, do not hesitate to throw them away, since the indicator of such a battery can be used to make a visual temperature indicator.

How does the battery charge indicator work?

Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Everything is very simple. When you press the button, the metal foil contacts under the braid close.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

An electric current begins to flow through this foil, which causes the strip of foil to heat over its entire surface. A strip with divisions of different colors is pasted on top. These are cells with thermal paint that changes color depending on the temperature. Each cell has its own paint that reacts to different temperatures. The red section is the most sensitive, and the last green section is the least sensitive and requires the maximum temperature.
As a result, when the foil strip heats up, depending on its heating temperature, different areas of the indicator light up. As a result, the approximate battery charge level is determined.
In fact, a strip with thermal paint is a ready-made temperature indicator. Using such an indicator, you can visually control the temperature of something, for example a kettle, mug, jar, etc.

Removing the indicator

To remove the indicator, take a utility knife. And on the side, cut a line near the indicator.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

We bend it. This is what it looks like inside.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Cut off from the braid.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

The cut out indicator looks like this.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Temperature indicator test

To check the temperature indicator, I will put it on a cold soldering iron and turn it on.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

The indicator shows that the soldering iron has begun to heat up.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

And now all sections of the indicator light up. The temperature of the soldering iron is approximately 60 degrees Celsius, so you can barely touch it with your hands.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

If you remove it, it will begin to cool and all the divisions will be the same dark as at the beginning.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

With this indicator you can remotely determine and control the temperature, from approximately 30 to 60 degrees Celsius. Where 30 is the red section, and 60 is the last green section. To be honest, I didn’t measure it exactly.

Practical use

To control, glue an indicator onto a glass jar.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Pour boiling water.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

It can be seen that the divisions begin to change as they heat up.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

Now you can visually see that there is hot water in the jar.
But after a while the jar cooled down and the indicator became faded.
Temperature indicator from a Duracell battery

This is such an interesting and useful experiment. I think that you will easily find a use for such a thing. Thank you for your attention!

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Comments (2)
  1. Guest Leonid
    #1 Guest Leonid Guests 6 April 2018 13:04
    Great suggestion, I'll try it =)
  2. DellaiSam
    #2 DellaiSam Guests 22 February 2019 15:22
    Cool experiment, unfortunately all colors light up at the same temperature, there are 3 colors coated with thermal paint, and under them there is a triangular conductor, depending on the battery charge, heating occurs in either part of the triangle