Pink hearts

On St. Day Valentine should be congratulated not only by your husband or wife, lover or beloved, but also by parents, children and other relatives. After all, you love them too and they will be happy to receive a souvenir in the shape of a heart. Today's tutorial is on creating a pink heart on a stand. It will be appropriate present for my daughter.
To make a souvenir you need the following materials:
- thick cardboard (it is better to use the one in which various goods are transported);
- pink wrapping paper (you can take the one you still have from the bouquet);
- a thin wooden stick (or thick wire);
- a low pink jar;
- heart stickers.
You also need the following tools:
- a tube of PVA glue;
- pen or pencil;
- scissors.
Pink hearts

You need to draw three hearts on thick cardboard. They are located one inside the other.
Pink hearts

Cut out the blanks so that the smallest heart is filled, and the second is just an outline.
Pink hearts

Take a thin wooden stick and pierce the hearts so that the small one is inside the large one.
Pink hearts

Next it’s time to decorate the craft. You can use wrapping paper of different textures.Plain ones can be cut into strips.
Pink hearts

And glue them onto a big heart. Apply PVA glue on both sides and wrap the strips around the cardboard.
Pink hearts

But cut the textured paper to the size of the inner heart.
Pink hearts

And glue on both sides.
Pink hearts

Then decorate the craft with heart stickers.
Pink hearts

You can also use bright ribbons of different widths, sequins and beads, knitting threads and other elements for decoration. All that remains is to fix the hearts on the stand in a small container. You can use a pink jar of plasticine.
Pink hearts

Please note that the hearts are movable and you can change their direction.
Pink hearts

This bright arrangement of pink hearts will be an excellent declaration of love for your daughter. And this very beautiful craft will decorate your baby’s room.
Pink hearts

You can make the same Valentine card for your son, only decorated in blue or lilac tones. Don’t be afraid to break stereotypes: why the heart should be red!
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