Garden. Page 17

Master classes:

How to use car tires in the garden with great benefit

Used car tires can be used in the garden by making compost barrels, borders and round beds. All you need to do is just cut the tire correctly.

Three dressings of garlic for a large harvest

Many summer residents grow the royal seasoning for food and a spicy vegetable - garlic - in their garden plots. Gardeners who are of the opinion that garlic does not require any care cannot count on a bountiful harvest of large and

How to remove a large stump using a wedge is easy

After cutting down trees, stumps remain, which can sprout and rot for a long time. If you need to make a flower bed or carry out construction in place of the stump, then it must be removed. In order not to dig a huge pit around the snag, it is better to split it with wedges

How to make a garden auger from trash

If you need to dig or concrete columns, you must first prepare the holes. To do this you need a drill of a certain diameter. If you don’t have such a tool, you can make it yourself.It's much easier than digging holes with a drill

How and with what to quickly seal holes in any steel watering container

Many summer residents with a house in a garden partnership are faced with the fact that tap water is supplied only at certain hours. In this regard, there is a need to collect water with a reserve or collect sediment in a reservoir in order to have

How to make a powerful hoe from a piece of pipe that will cut down any roots and weeds

When fighting overgrown weeds, an ordinary hoe flies off from their rhizomes with a ringing sound. For such work, it is necessary to use a stronger and wider tool, capable of chopping hard roots in one movement. You can make it from ordinary

How to make a lawn mower from a washing machine

During the summer rainy season, you have to mow the growing grass in the area every couple of weeks. To do this quickly and effortlessly, you need a lawn mower. If you have a free electric motor, for example, from a washing machine, you can assemble it yourself.

How to make a washbasin from a syringe and a plastic bottle

A washbasin is simply necessary in a country house or garden. If you don’t have a house and a stationary washbasin on your property, then it’s very easy to make one from a PET bottle and a disposable syringe. Such a homemade product will serve faithfully for a long, long time. Her

Free fertilizer that will increase the yield of tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers

Thrifty summer residents collect onion and garlic peels throughout the year in order to use valuable plant materials with maximum benefit for garden and vegetable plants.

How to make a sprinkler for watering a large area from one point

To water the garden and lawn, it is convenient to use a snail sprinkler, since it scatters small drops and covers a large area. Unfortunately, this device is made of brittle plastic that loses strength under ultraviolet light, causing

2 accessible ways to control aphids on cucumbers

Experienced summer residents must include preventive and therapeutic treatments against diseases and insects parasitizing on them in their plan of care for garden plants. The main cucumber pests that most often cause damage to plants

A cheap way to paint and protect a barrel from rust

When storing water for household needs in metal containers, rust actively develops. As a result, the water turns brown, so its use even for irrigation becomes unacceptable. This problem can be solved by applying

How to make a magic endless flow faucet for garden decoration

To decorate the landscape on your site, in addition to flowers, shrubs and garden figurines, you can use a magic faucet. This is an unusual device, which is a watering tap levitating in the air, not connected to a pipe, from which

We plant cabbage seeds under bottles and forget about spraying against fleas and clubroot

When it comes to planting cabbage in the garden, almost everyone uses seedlings that have been previously purchased or grown on a windowsill. As a result, the transplanted plant undergoes a long acclimatization and often succumbs to attacks by pests.

4 reasons for the ovaries falling off on cucumbers and methods for eliminating them

The favorite pumpkin crop of many summer residents - cucumber - is quite whimsical to grow. Gardeners who grow vegetables in fertile and well-structured soil can count on decent harvests of herbs. Because on every lash

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

The construction of a greenhouse is not always associated with large expenses when its cost is higher than the possible harvest over many seasons. If you approach the selection of materials with special diligence, everything can turn out very inexpensively, literally less than 20 dollars,

How to make an irrigation sprinkler from PVC pipes

For normal growth of plants, a sufficient amount of water is required, so in the absence of rainfall they need to be watered. If you have a central water supply or well, this process can be mechanized by connecting a homemade garden hose

Repairing a leaky barrel in just 1 minute using the old-fashioned method

Steel containers for collecting and storing precipitation for irrigation and other household needs rust quite quickly, since they come into contact with water for a long time. As a result, over the years, such tanks become leaky. To repair them they can

The cheapest and most effective feeding of tomatoes after planting

When growing nightshade vegetables (potatoes, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers) on their plots, experienced gardeners must take into account the specific mineral nutrition of these plants. Adding additional doses of macro- and microelements after transplantation

A solution of milk and iodine against diseases of cucumbers

Summer residents who grow cucumbers in greenhouse conditions and in open beds know that the main losses in the yield of their favorite pumpkin crop are observed when fungal and bacterial diseases spread in the plantings. First on sheet plates

How can a gardener make good use of PET bottle necks?

When producing PET tape from plastic bottles, quite a lot of necks can accumulate. The tape from them is not cut, so they usually go in the trash. Individual necks are quite long, which allows them to be used with

Preventing tomato late blight is very simple

The main enemy of all tomato growers who grow tomatoes in open and closed ground conditions is late blight. This disease of nightshade crops, caused by the spread of protists from the oomycete department on plants, under unfavorable conditions

How to make a device for removing weeds by the root

Weeds with large stems and deep root systems are very difficult to remove manually. To do this, it is better to use a shovel or a special homemade tool. Unlike a shovel, their work is much easier and does not strain the spine at all.

A universal recipe for feeding tomatoes during fruit ripening

Timely application of fertilizers in the form of root and foliar fertilizers for tomatoes, as well as for other vegetables, leads to a significant increase in the yield of the plantation. And it’s not just a matter of timely replenishing what is removed from the soil by plants.