How to use car tires in the garden with great benefit

Used car tires can be used in the garden by making compost barrels, borders and round beds. All you need to do is just cut the tire correctly.
How to use car tires in the garden

Making borders

To make a border for fencing beds or a lawn, you need to cut off the sides of the tire. To do this, a through cut must be made at the transition between the sidewall and the projector.
How to use car tires in the garden

Then a knife with a large blade is inserted into it, and the side is cut in a circle. The movement should go upward on itself. In this case, the rubber will not clamp the knife.
How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

After cutting off both sidewalls, you need to unscrew the tread.
How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

After this, the resulting hoop is cut crosswise into a ribbon. Since there is a cord in the rubber, the transverse dissolution is performed with a grinder or a hacksaw.
How to use car tires in the garden

Having made a sufficient number of such tapes, you can use them to protect beds, garden paths, lawns, etc.
How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

Making a compost bin

To make a compost barrel, you need to cut off the sidewalls of several tires and unscrew the hoops from them. Then, at the location of the barrel, 2 posts are temporarily driven into the ground. The distance between them should be slightly less than the tire diameter.This will allow them to support the hoops.
How to use car tires in the garden

The first hoop is placed between the posts and the compost mass is compacted into it.
How to use car tires in the garden

Then the next hoop is installed on top and is also pressed in with weeds, leaves, etc. To ensure that the fertilizer is ready by autumn, it is advisable to pour a bucket of ready-made compost on top of the last hoop. The bacteria living in it will quickly process the fresh mass laid below.
How to use car tires in the garden

In the center of the formed barrel, using a crowbar, a hole is punched to the very bottom. A plastic tube with perforation is inserted into it. It will provide air access to all layers of the processed mass.
How to use car tires in the garden

Next, the supporting posts can be pulled out, since the pressed hoops are held together without them. To prevent the mixture from drying out, it is better to wrap the barrel with plastic wrap. Since there is ready-made compost at the top, you can plant a pumpkin in it. It will grow and produce a harvest while the green mass underneath is being processed.
How to use car tires in the garden

Making round beds

The same hoops as for the barrel can be used as round beds. They are filled with compost, after which cucumbers, pumpkins, herbs, etc. are planted in them. Due to the fact that the roots of the plant will be located in a black tire heated in the sun, the harvest will be harvested a little earlier than simply when planted in the ground.
How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

How to use car tires in the garden

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Comments (3)
  1. Ivan
    #1 Ivan Guests 10 June 2020 16:43
    Tips for decluttering your site.
  2. Guest Yuri
    #2 Guest Yuri Guests June 11, 2020 00:12
    Don't even think about using tires in your garden. There's so much chemical that gets into the soil - it's terrible.
  3. 1
    #3 1 Guests 27 April 2021 19:31
    why turn it inside out?