How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

Construction greenhouses are not always associated with high costs when its cost is higher than the possible harvest over many seasons. If you approach the selection of materials with special diligence, everything can turn out very inexpensively, literally less than $20, even for a 6x4 m greenhouse.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse


  • stretch film;
  • film for greenhouses;
  • drip tape;
  • staples;
  • wooden poles;
  • board;
  • rail;
  • 100 mm nails or self-tapping screws;
  • door hinges.

The process of building a budget greenhouse

To make the greenhouse as budget-friendly as possible, you need to use free wooden poles to build its frame. Enough trunks as thick as your arm. Acacia is very suitable for this because it rots slowly. To avoid getting a fine for harvesting trees in a forest belt, it is best to simply collect already cut trunks under a high-voltage line. Trees there are often cut down, so if you drive along such a line, you can always find fresh, even poles.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

Next, you need to dig in the thickest poles to obtain the frame of the greenhouse. After this, they are connected by horizontal crossbars using nails or self-tapping screws.It is better to use 2.5 m trunks at the corners, 3 m at the center under the ridge. All posts are simply inserted into the holes made with a drill and sprinkled with crushed stone. Then a gable roof is made from thinner trunks. For these purposes, you will need to prepare a long pole for the ridge, or splice 2 short ones together. A belt of boards is nailed down along the perimeter of the greenhouse. You also need to form a doorway.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

If the soil is infertile, then it needs to be dug up and thrown outside the greenhouse under a belt made of boards. Instead, humus mixed with soil is poured. A passage fenced with a board is made in the center of the greenhouse. You can add gravel to it or simply lay a plank floor so as not to stir up dirt.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

If the frame of the heifer consists of poles with sharp bumps and thorns, it can be wrapped with tape so as not to cut through the film. This is not necessary when using stretch film.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

Next, regular polyethylene film for greenhouses is laid on the roof. It is targeted with staples through drip tape. This is a very cheap and reliable method of fastening.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

The walls of the greenhouse are made even simpler. You just need to wrap the frame with stretch film in several layers. After this, it is also nailed with staples to the frame through drip tape. When using regular film, everything is attached the same way, but a little longer. Then an opening is cut with a knife, a door frame is made, covered with film and installed on the hinges. The gaps between the greenhouse and the door can be insulated with strips of foam rubber.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

The cost of such a greenhouse is very low. In the absence of finance for a metal frame and polycarbonate, this option can be a real solution.If you install a stove or an electric heater in the greenhouse, you can grow crops all year round.
How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

How to build the cheapest and most complete greenhouse

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