220 V manual generator from a microwave

220 V manual generator from a microwave

With the help of this small pocket generator, you can immediately charge not one, but several cell phones, light an LED lamp, and there are other possible uses for it that didn’t occur to me. It produces a pure sinusoidal voltage of the order of 120-230 V (depending on the rotation speed) and produces power in the region of 3-5 W with a frequency of 50 Hz, which is important. In fact, it is a micro power plant in your pocket. Take it on a hike and you will have a 100% source that will never run out.

Will need

Tray drive from microwave oven. If not, then buy it on AliExpress (link)
220 V manual generator from a microwave

It spins the plate and runs on mains voltage. In appearance, this is a flat electric motor with a shaft shifted from the center - this is due to the gearbox built into it. Its whole feature is that it also works in the opposite direction: when rotated, it generates electric current.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

For the body we will use a plastic jar of cream.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

How to make a 220 V manual generator

We drill a hole in the cover for the electric motor shaft.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

220 V manual generator from a microwave

We are trying to install it there, but we are not securing it yet.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

You need to find a handle from the amplifier; it will fit well on the shaft, since the shape of the recesses is very similar.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We try to rotate the shaft, if everything goes easily, then the handle is sitting normally.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We solder a resistor with a resistance of 100-200 kOhm in series to the LED. We put on the heat shrink and blow it with a hairdryer.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Let's make a hole in the lid for Light-emitting diode. It will show the presence of work and voltage release.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Solder the contacts to the generator.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Let's take an adapter plug as a socket.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Use a soldering iron to make holes for its contacts.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Let's connect to the contacts and insulate them.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We install it in place.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Solder the output to the generator.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We do the assembly. We put all the elements on epoxy glue so that everything is held securely. We close the case.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

To make it easier to rotate the dynamo machine, we will make a handle. To do this, cut a long strip of metal.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Let's make a hole for the handle.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

220 V manual generator from a microwave

The ballpoint pen cap will act as a hinge.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Let's saw off the edge.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Assembling the handle.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We glue it with epoxy glue.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Checking the work - Light-emitting diode glows.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We test it on a real load. Its role will be a 220V light bulb.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

We connect it, it lights up well.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Now we try to charge the phone.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

Charging is in progress. And now all together.
220 V manual generator from a microwave

There is enough power!
Thanks to the gearbox built into the engine, there is no need to rotate the shaft at high speed. Calm rotation with a measured frequency will not put much strain on your hands, which allows you to power your loads for a long time.

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Comments (21)
  1. pba kulikov
    #1 pba kulikov Guests 19 April 2019 19:07
    the gearbox will close.
    1. Guest Mikhail
      #2 Guest Mikhail Guests April 23, 2019 11:40
      in-in. On the third-fifth revolution. The further to China, the faster.
  2. Guest Nikolay
    #3 Guest Nikolay Guests April 20, 2019 00:39
    So Light-emitting diode cannot be connected.
    Its Uarb is approximately equal to the straight line, about 5v.
    In the reverse half-wave, 150-220V will be applied to it.
    You need to connect a diode in series with it, or better yet, include it in the diagonal of the bridge, taking into account that the ripple amplitude at the bridge output is 1.44 times greater than the average value. In short, we consider the damping resistance for Upr = 3V and a current of 2 mA.
    You can't go wrong.
    1. like this
      #4 like this Guests April 23, 2019 12:45
      somehow strange))), BUT I have had an AL307 shining from the door using this scheme for 15 years))) summary and Light-emitting diode.... at 220 from the socket, and no diodes
  3. Vita
    #5 Vita Guests April 20, 2019 07:51
    In such cases, it is always necessary to compare, as in accounting “debit with credit,” whether it is profitable (the price of an electric motor) if today this product can be made from an old DC motor or a converter can be made.
  4. Evlampy Sukhodrishchev
    #6 Evlampy Sukhodrishchev Guests April 20, 2019 08:20
    And if the knob is not from the amplifier, then the whole system will not work?
    1. Itsme
      #7 Itsme Guests 22 April 2019 13:00
      Of course not. The amplifier handle is needed to amplify. Turn it on the amplifier: if you turn it in the wrong direction, but nothing will be amplified, it will be the other way around.
  5. Michel
    #8 Michel Guests 20 April 2019 12:15
    Interesting. I should try it, I have a couple of these motors.
  6. botulin
    #9 botulin Guests 20 April 2019 15:50
    "... find the knob from the amplifier..." - from which amplifier?
  7. Guest Pavel
    #10 Guest Pavel Guests 20 April 2019 19:17
    The inscription on the motor: "4W". Power 4 watts. yes, at 220 volts.
    Inscription on the lamp: 5 W. Those. so that the lamp lights up, when rotating, you ALREADY overload the device relative to its design mode. Are you charging your mobile phone? Excellent, excellent - a simple charger that produces 1 ampere at 5 volts is also 5 watts. Two-ampere - already 10. And this does not count losses on energy conversion.
    And if we also raise the question of keeping the frequency of the generated current at values ​​close to 50 hertz...
    In short, have fun. I hope you are lucky and the device will bend from overload before you hit the connected devices with it.
    1. Guest Vitaly
      #11 Guest Vitaly Guests 22 April 2019 02:53
      Do not confuse output power with input power!
    2. Baba Nyusha
      #12 Baba Nyusha Guests April 22, 2019 10:10
      grandson, go use 8th grade physics. wrote a billion letters and then realized that you were delusional?
  8. Guest Vladimir
    #13 Guest Vladimir Guests 21 April 2019 09:28
    1. Alexei
      #14 Alexei Guests 22 April 2019 23:58
      I'm joining! Thank you ! And to all the Kulibins who give their ideas.
  9. Guest Vladimir
    #15 Guest Vladimir Guests 22 April 2019 18:36
    The magician went a little overboard with the incandescent lamp...
    1. wow
      #16 wow Guests April 23, 2019 12:48
      if you didn’t notice, then this is not an incandescent lamp in your understanding, in our understanding it is an LED lamp in terms of power consumption much less than an incandescent lamp and similar in luminosity..... I won’t tell you how it is assembled and works)))))
    2. Vasya
      #17 Vasya Guests 22 November 2019 18:46
      Who said that this is an INCLAND lamp? :))
  10. Guest Alexander
    #18 Guest Alexander Guests 23 April 2019 18:10
    A year ago I assembled a generator on such an engine. Author, where do you get 50 hertz? If the motor, when powered from the mains, rotates at a speed of 4 revolutions per minute. The engine is synchronous, so that it is 50 Hz it must be rotated at the same speed. And it starts producing 200 volts when rotating at about 30-40 revolutions. Yes, it’s true, you can turn on the energy saver this way, and the charging pretends that it’s working, the phone shows that it’s charging, but in fact the charging current is less than the phone consumes to indicate charging. Another point - even if this device were to work, rotating the handle of a rather tight gearbox is very tiring, how long will it take to get tired of this activity? Will it be possible to charge the phone's battery by at least one percent during this time? Well, the gears of the gearbox are actually plastic; practice shows that the teeth are eaten up in two and a half minutes of operation of the device under energy-saving load.
    1. Garrick
      #19 Garrick Guests 23 May 2019 08:11
      But the LED lamp and switching power supply don’t care how many Hertz you push into them, it still straightens out.