An experiment with cleaning frying pans and pots from stubborn deposits using only home remedies

In fact, the product that I have recently been using for this purpose is great for getting rid of dirt, for example, on stoves in the bathroom and kitchen. Thanks to it, the washbasin, toilet, and other toilet and kitchen accessories shine like new.


  • six tablespoons of baking soda and dishwashing detergent (or liquid laundry soap),
  • four - 9% vinegar.

How and what to do

First I mixed baking soda with detergent.

Then she poured in the vinegar.

Apply the resulting mixture to the selected surface. Using the rough side of the sponge, I wipe off the carbon deposits that have accumulated on the outside of the dishes.

I must admit that in five minutes it will not cope with such pollution as in the photo.

I confess, I ignored the dirty frying pan for a long time. I almost burned the saucepan and left it on the stove. Fortunately, the middle was not damaged. But you will have to work hard to bring everything else back to normal.

It is possible to do this gradually, pouring the remaining solution into a jar. I close the lid. I will complete the simple procedure another day.

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