How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

A frying pan is used more often and more intensively than other utensils for cooking. It mainly fries foods at high temperatures. Therefore, even with the most careful handling of this kitchen utensil and constant washing after each use, an unsightly and harmless layer of soot will form on it over time.
To clean a frying pan from carbon deposits, there are a variety of chemicals and preparations. Some of them pose a danger to humans. You can also use traditional methods, but implementing them in a modern kitchen is difficult and sometimes simply impossible. Below we will consider the most radical cleaning method - fire.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

Will need

To implement it we will need:
  • a frying pan “overgrown” with soot;
  • intense flame source;
  • spacious container with water;
  • scraper (metal wool).

Technology for removing carbon deposits from an old frying pan

How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

Let's use the principle: fight fire with fire.The formation of soot on the surface of the frying pan, in addition to fat and oil, is promoted by high temperature, which is somewhat confused by the liquid components present in the foods being fried. It also contains water, which evaporates and also cools the pan.
If you heat this kitchen utensil without its contents over a fire, the calcination temperature will exceed the working temperature, and soot from fat and oil will begin to peel off from the surface of the frying pan and even burn out directly.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

The duration of direct heating with an open flame should be longer, the more massive the dishes being cleaned, in particular, their thickness, and the thicker the soot layer.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

After the carbon burns out and peels off almost completely, without allowing the hot frying pan to cool, quickly immerse it in a container of cold water. A sharp temperature change also helps to clean the dishes from carbon deposits.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

As soon as the temperature of the frying pan drops to a level that allows you to touch it with your hands, we begin to scrub off the remaining carbon deposits on the dishes with a scraper without removing them from the water.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

This cleaning stage will not require much time and effort, since the adhesion between carbon particles and metal is reduced to a minimum due to intensive calcination and sudden cooling.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

Attention! The cleaning method discussed is applicable only to cast iron frying pans. Aluminum, Teflon and ceramic cookware cannot be subjected to this test. This will make her completely unusable.
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

Also see how to quickly clean any hob without extra effort -
How to easily clean a frying pan from carbon deposits without chemicals

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Comments (13)
  1. Guest Nikolay
    #1 Guest Nikolay Guests 28 June 2019 16:05
    If you throw a hot frying pan into cold water, it will burst safely. You just need to heat the frying pan until the coating catches fire; when it burns out, it will crumble on its own. I calcined it in a fire.
  2. Zuev Vladimir Mikhailovich
    #2 Zuev Vladimir Mikhailovich Guests June 30, 2019 07:32
    put a container of water on the fire, pour in soda ash and boil until the frying pan turns into a snowflake, all by eye without any problems
  3. Julia
    #3 Julia Guests 30 June 2019 22:20
    It is written that this method is only suitable for cast iron frying pans. Isn't the one shown here aluminum? I have never seen such snow-white cast iron.
    1. AlexMyth
      #4 AlexMyth Guests September 23, 2019 09:42
      Do you know why cast iron is called gray? Yes! When it is free of soot, it is almost white.
  4. Tamara Vasilievna
    #5 Tamara Vasilievna Guests July 1, 2019 07:11
    The article says that this cleaning method is only suitable for cast iron frying pans, but in the video it is clearly aluminum and shows that it is lightweight.
  5. Andrey 🎩 Polushin
    #6 Andrey 🎩 Polushin Guests July 2, 2019 08:59
    What do you mean, “no chemicals”? Isn't fire a chemical? Is fuel, for example, methane (CH₄) not chemical? And the oxidizing agent, most often oxygen (O), is not chemistry? And the water used - a binary inorganic compound with the chemical formula H2O, also known as hydrogen oxide, hydrogen hydroxide, also known as hydroxyl acid, dihydrogen monoxide or dihydrogen monoxide - is not chemistry? You all went crazy there with your fear of “chemistry”. Doctors even had to identify a new disease - chemophobia.
    1. Maryana
      #7 Maryana Guests 17 March 2023 12:46
      At school they do the devil instead of learning chemistry, then dark ignoramuses grow up, panicking before science like medieval peasants
  6. Guest
    #8 Guest Guests 4 July 2019 16:46
    Sandblast! There's definitely no chemistry here
  7. Genashik
    #9 Genashik Guests 2 August 2019 22:42
    Kirdyk cast iron hot in cold water. And you can lose your eyes. The most harmful advice this year!
  8. AlexMyth
    #10 AlexMyth Guests September 23, 2019 09:40
    There is a simpler method, learned from chefs. Washing powder, silicate glue (transparent for paper) and soda. Dissolve everything in a large saucepan and cook the frying pan there. There is no need to rub anything at all. The glue will collect all the carbon deposits and grease. Cast iron pans turn white. )))
  9. Guest Igor
    #11 Guest Igor Guests 10 November 2019 19:13
    What acetylene cutter number should I use?
  10. Alexey Shishkin
    #12 Alexey Shishkin Guests 8 January 2020 21:48
    To implement it you will also need brains and at least Google.
    The photo shows a Teflon frying pan, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s cast iron or aluminum. Under no circumstances should hot food be cooled down immediately. Aluminum and cast iron will burst, and Teflon will peel off. Pump up