The most effective way to clean your cooktop

Personally, I don’t know of an easier way to clean the cooking surface of the stove without any unnecessary movement or effort. The method I want to talk about is based on soaking dried and burnt food residues. That is, over time, especially if you wash the stove very rarely, food that gets on the grates, burners or hob during cooking dries out incredibly strongly. And even the most fashionable and modern means cannot cope with it.

Therefore, before removing, all this dirt should be soaked in a detergent solution and only then it will move away from the surface and be removed without unnecessary hassle.

Will need

  • Cling film.
  • Sponge for washing dishes.
  • Metal mesh for washing dishes.
  • Detergent, preferably one specifically designed for cleaning stoves. If you don't have it, you can use vinegar or a Fairy type detergent.
  • Empty spray bottle.

The most effective way to clean your hob without any extra effort

For the faint of heart, please do not watch. This hob has not been washed for almost half a year.Let's not talk about the reasons for such a negligent attitude towards technology, but let's start eliminating this mess.

I’d also like to add: and believe me, you can’t just remove this six-month-old dirt right away, unless you use a grinder.

So let's get started! We remove the grates, control knobs, and gas burners. Please note that the grilles are large and double.

We throw the handles and burners into the sink.

We plug the sink and soak it in any detergent solution (water plus Fairy). Ideally, pour hot water, add a little product and stir.

The grates won’t fit into the sink, but if you have small ones, you can soak them all together. I put them in the bath and filled them with the same thing.

Let's move on to the stove. If your grease remover is liquid, you can put it in a spray bottle. And if it’s gel-like, you can apply it with a sponge.

In any case, moisten the entire cooking surface with it very generously.

And so that all this does not evaporate, we cover it with cling film. I got three stripes.

We are waiting for 8 hours. It is better to do this procedure at night or before leaving for work, since during this period of time the stove will not be needed.

After 8 hours the picture looks like this. The soaked mud turned white.

And on the grill too. She even almost began to fall off on her own.

Now it's time to do some manual work. We take a sponge and detergent, first cleaning the grate, control knob, burner, and then the entire hob surface of the stove. If there are difficult places somewhere, we use a metal mesh, but be careful not to scratch the surface.

All dirt is soaked and can be removed almost without difficulty.

So, without unnecessary labor and friction, everything can be quickly washed in half an hour, not taking into account the soaking time, of course.

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Comments (1)
  1. Dick
    #1 Dick Guests December 18, 2018 12:12
    And they say ammonia completely eats everything away, has anyone heard anything?