An effective homemade kitchen utensil cleaner

With the huge busyness of modern women at work, all housewives are familiar with the situation when there is simply not enough time to thoroughly clean the dishes every day. As a result, pots, lids, teapots, duck pots and frying pans take on a rather unpresentable appearance.

This situation is easy to fix, you just have to remember the recipes of our mothers and grandmothers, who did not have such a variety of cleaning products as modern housewives, and cleaned dishes with glue, soap and soda.

Making an effective dish cleaner

We will need a deep, non-enamelled container of fifteen to twenty liters. In our case, this is a galvanized tank.

For ten liters of water, you should take one bar of seventy-two percent laundry soap, crushed on a coarse grater, a bottle of office glue and a glass of soda ash powder.

Pour water into a container, dissolve the above ingredients, heat to a boil.

This composition can be suitable for products made from all types of materials, except wood and non-heat-resistant plastic. Crystal can be treated with this solution, cooled to sixty degrees.

We immerse the dishes in the tank. It should be noted that it is undesirable to place plastic parts in the solution, so it is necessary to consider a way to secure them above the surface of the liquid.

The boiling process can take from fifteen minutes to three to six hours. It all depends on the degree of pollution. The purpose of this treatment is to soften old fatty deposits and carbon deposits and to lighten darkened surfaces.

You can remove dishes from a hot solution using tongs used when boiling laundry. Now you can work with a sponge and detergent on enamel surfaces, and for frying pans and the burnt bottoms of metal pans we will use a knife or scraper. If after the first cleaning the result does not suit you, then boiling can be continued.

Our composition does not remove scale. This problem needs to be worked on separately. Well, for the rest – the result is very good!

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