Sisal topiary

In order for the home to be cozy, it is customary to decorate it with flowers or some other compositions - paintings, panels. You can also add a bright accent using topiary. Its second name is the tree of happiness. With its help, you can easily complement the room with a bright element. And if it is not bought in a store, but made with your own hands, then it will bring warmth and happiness to its owners to a much greater extent.
Topiary made from ribbons, coffee beans, foamiran and other materials. One of the easiest ways is to make a tree of happiness from sisal. For production you will need:
  • a foam ball (or you can crumple up a newspaper) with a diameter of approximately 7-10 cm (more or less is possible - at the request of the craftswoman, because the size of the product will depend on this),
  • old pen or chopstick for Chinese food,
  • hot gun or regular super glue,
  • sisal,
  • alabaster,
  • threads,
  • tree pot,
  • finishing elements: beads, half-beads, a small piece of satin ribbon (or any other materials as desired).

Sisal topiary

1. Warm up the hot glue gun, drop a drop of glue on one edge of the unnecessary handle and secure the thread, starting to wrap it around the entire shaft.
Sisal topiary

For greater strength, you can glue it every 2-3 cm.After the entire handle is wrapped, the thread needs to be secured and cut.
Sisal topiary

2. Make a hole in the foam ball, drop a little glue there, insert the handle and leave to dry for a stronger fixation.
Sisal topiary

Sisal topiary

3. Take sisal, tear the fibers into small pieces, from which roll into balls.
Sisal topiary

Sisal topiary

On average, you will need from 30 to 100 pieces (it all depends on the size of the foam ball and the sisal balls themselves).
Sisal topiary

4. After the balls are ready, you need to glue them to the foam. It is convenient to start from the top and move down.
Sisal topiary

You need to glue them as close to each other as possible, otherwise the base will be visible.
Sisal topiary

5. The trunk of the topiary can be decorated with a thread with beads or a thin ribbon, and beads can be glued between the sisal balls.
Sisal topiary

Sisal topiary

6. Now you need to fix the tree in the pot. To do this, alabaster is diluted in an unnecessary container with water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Transfer this mixture into a pot (although you can immediately dilute the mixture in it), and place the barrel with the ball there. Hold it with your hands for 5-10 minutes until the mixture hardens.
Sisal topiary

It will take several hours to dry completely. To prevent the alabaster from being visible, you can cover it with sisal and glue half beads.
Sisal topiary

7. If you used a beautiful pot, then you can leave everything as is, or you can decorate it yourself. To do this, you need to take a satin ribbon and secure it to the topiary. Can be supplemented decor pot with half beads, tie a bow from a ribbon.
Sisal topiary

8. The tree of happiness is ready! The result is a beautiful composition both for your home and in present!
Sisal topiary

Sisal topiary
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  • bowtiesmilelaughingblushsmileyrelaxed relaxedsmirk
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